Albus- Part 13

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After I showed the evidence to McGonagall, I didn't see Atticus in class for days. Since he wasn't in Potions, I asked Scorpius to be my partner. Together, we strolled down to the lake, gazing at the spring landscape. The air was cold and dry, but the sun had cut through the grey and was glittering on the lake. Dew-covered grass was soft beneath our shoes as we admired the delicate amber flowers in bloom, it was all so new and alive.

"That one, right there," Scorpius pointed to the snow-white papered petals of a plant growing on the banks of the lake, "That's the one we need for class." We sat down next to it and I didn't have the heart to pick it yet, just smile at its blissful peace. But Scorpius nodded to me, so I plucked it and handed it to him.

"Scorpius, I want you to know this. If I ever lost you, truly lost you as my, uh, friend then I wouldn't know what to do. It would be like losing half of me, I couldn't do it. God, I've been awful to you, I know that and you need to know why I-"

"I think I know why, and it doesn't really matter now, I guess." Was it a good thing it didn't matter? It means he doesn't feel the same but we can still be friends, or it could mean-

Scorpius' hands clasped my face and kissed me, and my heart rocketed, I couldn't close my eyes because all I wanted to see was his soft brown eyes and lips close to mine. Closer I pulled him and the warmer I felt.

From the beams of sunlight on the lake, a reflection shows two boys sat in each other's embrace,  looked upon in hope by Hogwarts Castle, nestled in the green mountains, smiling. 

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