Albus-Part 9

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Madame Hooch had been very strict about not leaving the stadium, issues with escaped magical beasts put you at risk. I understood I had broken a strict rule, however, I thought I could get away with a slap on the wrist or cleaning the Broom shed. Why Madame Hooch was getting me to see her after class, I didn't know.
"Hey, wait! Wait for me! Albus?" it was the blonde Gryffindor Phillip, the one who'd stayed in the race with me. I recognised him from hanging out with Scorpius now and then, his hair was the colour of sand and had the same fluffy texture as Scorpius although he had a warm tan year-round, unlike his pale skin. When he ran up to me I caught a whiff of mint. "Look, you're not taking the responsibility for that race. If we both say we went out of the stadium maybe Hooch won't be so harsh"
"No, no, it won't be that bad- worst that will happen is she bans me from the lessons or makes me clean down the school broomsticks."
"I insist! Also, this is from the rest of the class," He scrambled in his pocket then pulled out 10 galleons. Part of me was a bit annoyed- what a martyr, coming in and being all honourable. But the truth is he was a good guy and I didn't mind his company so the idea of serving detention with him wasn't so bad.
"If you have to then come with me to see Hooch. But keep that money, give it back to the class- I don't know what I'd use if for besides wasting it at Honeydukes on Every Flavour beans."
"Come in, Potter! Oh, Phillip, you ought to come in too. I saw who came in second in your silly race- sit, sit down." We shuffled into the small office, lined with countless quidditch posters and photos of a younger Hooch.
"Chaps, I saw what you did today and I have to respond to it the way I feel most appropriate..." Phillip glanced at me with his anxious bright blue eyes.
"I want you to try out for the Quidditch team- both of you. Clearly being a prize seeker runs in the family. The way you dodged those bludgers- incredible Potter. You got on the team last year but didn't show up to any practices. And Phillip, you were on the team in the first year as well. I saw you catch those quaffles and knock Kravinski straight off his broom. I think you should both come this lunch, there are spaces on Gryffindor and Slytherin which is grand."
Phillip and I heaved a sigh of relief, but this came as a shock to me. When I was younger, my Mum bought me a training broom and she'd help me practise for hours on end. I'd even say I was better than James, whizzing through the air and showing off. It was difficult to live in my father's shadow but she would often tell me I had the potential to be better than him- I was never sure how true it was but I never had the courage to attend the training.
"What's the plan, my man," Phillip mused, "we going at lunch or not? I need to know so I can eat my lunch quicke- you want to eat together. I'm sure Lucia wouldn't mind..."
I thought about it for a second; I had drifted from Samirah and really didn't want to spend any time with Atticus or Roy so I needed more friends. Phillip's smile was sincere and welcoming like he genuinely wanted to be my friend.
"You know what- let's do it! My mum sent me to school this year with a spare broomstick so if you want to borrow mine, it's really nothing special but it's a bit better than the school ones."
"So I'll see you at lunch? We normally sit towards the back end of the table." I nodded and Phillip smiled gleefully, his blue eyes twinkling as he turned around down the hallway, taking his peppermint aroma with him.

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