Scorpius- Part 10

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I spooned heaps of saffron rice onto my plate while Connie and Rachel were discussing what to eat;
"Rachel, you know that rice pudding's not good for you! The dairy doesn't agree with you," Connie pulled the plate away, glaring at Rachel who seemed fairly disgruntled, "You know what- I'll talk to them if you won't; I'm sure that somewhere in the kitchen, or wherever this food comes from, there's a dairy-free alternative!" she slapped her hands on her knees then got up, walking away from the table. Rachel's eyes followed her wistfully, the look in her eyes so familiar but I couldn't place it.
"Come to think of it, where does the food come from? I mean it's magic and all, but you can't just make new atoms." quizzed Phillip.
"How funny would it be if in years to come we found out that McGonagall was just saying 'Accio' and taking loads of other peoples' food?" scoffed Lucia.
"Atticus used to brag they were House Elves. He knew because his dad sold most of them to the school. The only consolation is they're given their freedom when they come here instead of those monsters keeping them enslaved." There was a look of genuine rage when Rachel said Atticus' named, almost palpable. I leant in towards her, "I get if this is personal so you don't have to tell me but what exactly happened between you and Atticus?"
She grimaced slightly,
"No, don't worry. In the first year we both became friends while writing for the school newspaper, after a few months we were really close: he's like that, you know. Like a snake, slithering into your life, learning your flaws and insecurities so he can use them against you when he needs to," I thought about him and Albus, them getting close and whenever they fell out he would just tease him about something. About him being in love with me or something like that. "Anyway, that moment came when he asked me out. I said no politely but he didn't accept it- he became off-ish and rude, so I left the school newspaper. A week or so later an article came out, supposedly written by me, claiming some vulgar things about the lesbian community and insinuating I was gay- Atticus had got back at me in the most underhand way he could. People began talking and soon everyone was saying I was gay. That's it, yeah, they would call me 'Gay-chel'" she gave me a laboured smile.
"I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how awful that must've been. He needs to learn, someone needs to teach him."
"The worse bit about it, which I haven't told any of them, except Connie, is that it's true. I do like girls, and boys, but mainly girls."
"Out of interest, why exactly did you choose to tell me?"
"Well, you know, I assumed... well I don't know what I assumed. I guess I felt you might be able to relate with Albus and everything. I see the way you look at him in the dinner hall, the same way I look at Connie."
I was dumbfounded, how could she possibly know? I didn't have it in me to deny it so I avoided it altogether.
"So Connie' guys are...?" Rachel nodded as Phillip came swooping in behind her along with Connie and her vegan rice pudding.
"I got it for you, now put down that plate!"
"Hey guys, if you don't mind, Albus Potters coming to eat lunch with us today. We've got a quidditch team try out and we're going together." I froze- there was no chance I'm eating lunch with him, especially after basically acknowledging my feelings for him to another person. I shot up without a word and made a beeline for the large exit, confused eyes following me down the lunch hall. I looked down to avoid any chance of...
Boof! I had collided head-on with someone, someone who I didn't want to look up at. Starting from the Slytherin tie upwards, then to the chin dimple, then the soft brown eyes of Albus Potter. My mouth was slightly agape so I cleared my throat and spoke,
"I heard you're trying out for the quidditch team- uh, that's great."
"Oh yeah, Phillip got me to do it," he spoke, nervously rubbing the back of his neck, "I was wondering if maybe we could talk, um, sometime?" This was my chance to play it cool back, show him I no longer needed his friendship.

"Well, I've gotta go somewhere right now, meet up with some people (Albus knew my only friends were sat behind me), you know how it is. If I get the chance, we can talk, definitely." That was one of the most arrogant and snotty things I'd ever said; I tried desperately to hide my smirk of satisfaction when Albus looked taken aback. I acknowledge these mind games were petty and childish but I didn't care.

"Yeah, for sure, whenever it works for you- when you're free- it would be really good to talk" I nodded dismissively then began to try to walk passed him, stepping to the side. He stepped the same way. Then he stepped the other way, just as I had. This went on for a few more times before we both sniggered slightly. This sort of thing is what used to happen, and Albus' face would brighten with childlike glee, as did mine. And for one second, only one, I saw that Albus I had met on that first train journey.

In truth, I did have somewhere to be. I had been sent to find the ingredients for the Currerus potion. One of them was the notorious grentock weed, for which I had received a beating. Not this time, no, I was no longer going to be pushed around, from this moment onwa-

Another THUMP, the second today, from Roy and his cronies. The corridor was unquestionably wide enough for both parties, but no, Roy had to come and knock my shoulder with his big meaty ham hock arm. I breathed heavily, rage boiling inside me, and then I did something I immediately regretted.

"What is your problem? What have I ever done to you- you and your other friends push me around relentlessly and I've never done anything at all. Not any more- it's clear you're insecure about something and you take it out on me." He turned around slowly, red with anger. He began to advance on me, fists clenching,

"My problem with you is you're a little gay princess whose in love with Potter and a disgrace to the Slytherin name. So you can take your stupid pastrami fingers and shove 'em up my ass."

Oh. My. Goodness. What a car-wreck- it took him a second to work out his mistake. He was no longer red with anger but more purple with embarrassment.

"Roy, you just," I was now wheezing a little with laughter, as a couple of his friends snickered behind, "You just told me to put my fingers up your bum- if that's not gay, well I'm not sure what is?" Check-mate. Talk about character development. I walked away, high on enough adrenaline to keep me going for weeks. I didn't think I was gay, how else would I have had a crush on Rose Weasley?

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