Pyrrha/Raven: Becoming Friends

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Pyrrha: How You Two Became Friends

At the moment you were l running away from your team leader. Entering the library hoping to throw her off your tracks you run up to two familiar faces.

Pyrrha: Y/N? Why do you look disheveled?

Y/N: No time. Jaune, I need your hoodie.

Jaune: Why would you-

Y/N: Jaune, you know how I feel about that Pumpkin Pete's cereal. I wouldn't ask for it if it weren't for a good reason.

Jaune: Okay.

Y/N: Don't says I'm here.

Quickly putting on his hoodie you sit down on an empty chair, laying your head down on the table with the hood on. The two were confuse by your actions until a few seconds later some girl arrived.

Violet: Have you seen Y/N?

Jaune: Uhhh...

Pyrrha: No. Just us and our teammate who is sleeping.

Violet looked at you one second before leaving the library. As soon as they see her leave they gave you a signal.

Pyrrha: She's gone.

Y/N: Phew. (takes off hoodie) Thanks.

Jaune: So what was all that about?

Y/N: That was my team leader.

Pyrrha: May I ask why we had to lie?

Y/N: You see Violet makes us do this team game night.

Jaune: That doesn't sound so bad.

Y/N: Well say that when you have to play all the types of games that causes fights. It does not help how competitive she can be. It does not help when you look as her nature.

Jaune: Her what now?

Y/N: Well she is Glynda's niece. Basically she is the mom of the group, making sure none of us get in trouble. Though she goes overboard a tad bit at times.

Pyrrha: (surprised) Glynda has a niece?!

Jaune: What Pyrrha said.

Y/N: Didn't you see it. Same eyes, hair color, and resemblance?

Pyrrha: Now that you mention it I cannot unsee it.

Y/N: How do you think we feel? All of my teammates mess up their names at times.

Jaune: Where are your teammates then?

Y/N: Slate got caught and Forest is currently hiding in his parents house, so what are you two doing?

Pyrrha: Studying history. More accurately we are studying the postwar ramifications.

Y/N: I can help.

Pyrrha: Really?

Y/N: Oh yeah. I like learning about history. It was either being a historian or this.

Pyrrha: Why thank you. Jaune and I were having trouble on Atlas's rise to becoming a military power.

Y/N: Ahh. I can help with that.

Raven: How You Two Became Friends

Walking to the cafeteria the day arrived to finally meet Raven. Though a student with their scroll out wasn't paying attention and knocked you to the ground.

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