Summer/Velvet: Getting Sick

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Summer: When You Get Sick

Getting sick was a common occurrence due to the Atlas winters or anytime in general and as such you were used to it. Though rather than lying down in bed and sleeping like you were suppose to by Summer you were relaxing the day off.

Summer: (opens door) Are you asleep Y/N?

Y/N: Yes.

Summer: Y/N, you know I told you that you have to sleep because you are sick.

Y/N: But I am not tired.

Summer: You know how I feel about this. Do I need to start acting like your mom to make you rest?

Y/N: My mother did not care for me while I was sick. We had the butler.

Summer: Your family had a butler?

Y/N: Yes. Now before you go thinking that I lived a life of luxury I will say there is only a few caretakers.

Summer: You know you say that but I don't know anyone who has a butler.

Y/N: I kinda miss him. He made some of the best pastries I had.

Summer: Well do I need to call him?

Y/N: NO! Please do not call Stephon. He will scold me.

Summer: Are you really that afraid of him?

Y/N: Stephon is in charge of everything that involves taking care of the house. Though an additional responsibility was me. He taught me just about everything I know in fighting. Though I respect him I also fear him a little.

Summer: Then go to sleep Y/N. It's for your own good.

Y/N: Fine, but you are sleeping with me.

Before Summer could respond you pull her into bed. Trying to get out of your grasp she gives up after a bit.

Summer: I can't. You know that I need to study with Qrow to make sure he doesn't fail the quiz.

Y/N: You and I both know Qrow is going to skip it.

At that moment Summer's scroll vibrates.

Summer: (getting scroll out) Huh.

Y/N: What?

Summer: Qrow just sent me a message.

Y/N: Am I right?

Summer: Strangely he said he can't because someone uhhh you know it would be better if just you see what he wrote.

Y/N: (looking at Qrow's message) Can't make it. My honor has been challenged so now I'm going to show this guy that I can stack Oreos the highest. I'll be dammed if this smuck can stack these cookies the highest.

Summer: It's odd, right?

Y/N: How does Qrow even end up in these situations? Who even challenges a person in this at all?

Summer: I don't know. It's usually when I'm not there. I think Qrow saw someone doing it and said he can do better to which the other person would say he can't.

Y/N: So will you stay? I sleep better with you.

Summer: Fine, but if I get sick you're going to take care of me.

Y/N: Yeah, alright.

As your luck would have it a few days later Summer was sick.

Velvet: When You Get Sick

Lying in your bed you were bedridden. You
fell in a river during the night during one of Jaune's night trainings. Pyrrha asked you to help given how your semblance could show lifelike enemies.

Velvet: (entering in room) What happened? You were fine yesterday.

Y/N: Jaune and training. I was doing some of the more difficult things for him.

Velvet: How does it involve you getting sick?

Y/N: Hold on. It was night by the way, but during the training it was basically kinda a hide and seek match. Though Jaune had to guess where I was and block my hit before I hit him. You know as some Grimm attempt ambushes.

Velvet: Okay.

Y/N: So I was creating holograms that ran
and disappeared after a few seconds so as to confuse him but the branch I was on broke. Ending up falling in the lake.

Velvet: Hmmm. I know just what to do. I will be right back.

Leaving without saying what she was going to even do you were left there bedridden in the same situation as before.

Eventually arriving back Velvet was confused seeing Jaune there.

Jaune: Oh, hi Velvet.

Velvet: How are you here Jaune?

Jaune: (turns head around) What?

Velvet: None of us ever told you our room number.

Y/N: He was walking and saw me because as you went you left the door open.

Velvet: Sorry about that.

Jaune: You know I was curious why I didn't see Y/N today.

Y/N: Yeah, he saw how I was stuck here so he brought one of his games.

Jaune: I may have gotten lost trying to get back here the second time. Never been to the second years dormitories before. By the way you guys have a nice bathroom.

Velvet: Thanks?

Jaune: You may not know Nora but she is kinda messy. No matter how much my team tried cleaning it just goes back to how it was the next day. It sucks.

Y/N: Anyways so where were you? What's in the pot? You were gone for a few hours.

Velvet: Hold on just a minute.

Placing it on a table Velvet then grabs bowls and the necessary utensils.

Velvet: Do you want a bowl Jaune? There's quite a bit.

Jaune: Sure. What is it though?

Velvet: Soup. I went to my mom to get her recipe but then she asked questions, which then led to telling me that we can make it as she asks more questions. I may have forgot to tell her that we are together.

Y/N: Oh yeah. You have a family.

Walking over she hands the bowls to you and Jaune.

Velvet: She found it interesting when I told her how you are a fox. Well first my mom was confused as she thought I gotten with Fox.

Y/N: I knew this would cause trouble one day.

Jaune: This taste good. What kind of soup is this anyways?

Velvet: Pumpkin soup. This is some of few times we eat anything animal related.

Jaune: I don't see any meat in here.

Velvet: We used homemade chicken stock. Oh, and by the way Y/N, my mom wants to meet you.

Y/N: Does she know about my past?

Velvet: I didn't talk about that.

Y/N: Good, I'm just going to ease her into it.

Eating the soup and chatting with Jaune and Velvet eventually he had to leave. Velvet told you to rest and if not she can get Yatsuhashi to make you.

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