Summer/Velvet: Different Scenarios

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Summer: Meeting Your Family

In your room you were staring at the calendar hanging off the wall. More particularly it was one day in particular. Tomorrow you were to visit some family.

Y/N: Okay, okay.

Suddenly your door opens. Turning your head around you see it was Summer.

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Summer: (sits down on your bed) What do you mean?

Y/N: I thought you said you and your team were going out.

Summer: Yeeeaaaahhh about that...

Y/N: Qrow and Tai?

Summer: This time Raven got in trouble as well. I don't know what the two did to her but she was chasing them with her weapon.

Y/N: I'm not going to ask further.

Letting her body fall to the bed she looks at the what you were staring at.

Summer: Something happening?

Y/N: Tomorrow I'm meeting some family.

Summer: Can I come?!

Y/N: I don't know.

Summer: What? Why not Y/N?! Are you embarrassed of me?

Y/N: No, no. Far from it. Wait...

You thought to what may happened and how you would definitely be asked if you are with anyone yet. This would be a perfect chance to show Summer.

Y/N: You can come if you want.

Summer: Yes! What should I wear? Should I bring anything? Who do I-

Y/N: Relax Summer. It's just a simple visit. Just wear what you usually wear.

Summer: Okay.

Y/N: Though yeah bring something as that's what they do, and before you ask cookies are a good idea.

Summer: You know me so well.

Sitting right next to Summer an important thought came to mind.

Y/N: Oh yeah! Do not eat anything tomorrow Summer. I mean it.

Summer: What? Why can't I eat anything tomorrow?

Y/N: Well you can eat a light breakfast but nothing else.

Summer: You still haven't answered my question.

Y/N: Well food is quite the thing when we do have these family meet ups. Meaning you are probably going to eat a lot.

Summer: Maybe I'll just skip out on the breakfast then.

Y/N: Yeah. Between the food their and what I had back at Atlas I would choose that any day of the week. Though it does not mean I would not regret it after.

Summer: Wait, wait. Could I?

Y/N: Could you what?

Summer: It's just you know it sounds more like this is something special and I just went right in.

Y/N: You are with me. If anything they will treat you like family immediately. In the past they might of not with some the others of my cousins but that was because all of us knew it was not going to work out. In fact if I did not ask you they would be angry as they all have been waiting to meet you.

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