Blake/Winter: Getting Together

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Blake: Getting Together

At the moment Y/N was sitting on the rooftop of Beacon. Grabbing out his scroll Y/N begins to call Blake.

Blake: Y/N?

Y/N: I know this sounds crazy but meet me up on the rooftop. Bring the book.

Blake: You're sounding like North right now.

Y/N: Blake please, you know I would not be doing this unless I have a good reason.

Blake: Okay. I mean it's not like it's any less dangerous compared to what we do.

Awhile later Blake arrives, looking over the view of Beacon.

Blake: It's gorgeous.

Y/N: I know. My team and I went on here to throw frisbees.

Blake: Was it North's or Teal's idea?

Y/N: Both, but more on North.

Blake: He seems a bit out of it.

Y/N: I don't mean bad but you got Ruby and I have North. I mean imagine how it would be without them. Less glamorous.

Blake: Right. Anyways the book.

Y/N: Yes.

A few days prior Y/N slipped a note in one of the pages. All that needed to be done is to for the two to reach the page; however, he kinda completely forgotten all about the note as well as the page as they usually get sucked into the book's plot.

Blake stops as she looks at the note, reading it and reading it a second time. It dawn on him the reason why they were there to begin with.

Blake: Y/N, does this say what I think it is?

Y/N: So?

Blake: I-Y/N the book!

He heard it too late as he stepped on the book and slipped off the roof.

Blake: Y/N catch!

Blake quickly throws Gambol Shroud to Y/N. Catching it Y/N sticks the blade into the side of a tower slowly, sliding down until he stops near Ozpin's window of all places.

Y/N: Ozpin! We have to stop meeting up like this. What will Glynda think?

Ozpin: (opens window) Very amusing. And I see that you haven't loose your humor in the fall. Now care to explain why you hold Blake's weapon?

Y/N: Your tower has a great view so imagine the view when it's higher. Suppose you want the correct setting.

Ozpin: Ah I see. Love does make people do what some would consider incredibly, stupid things.

Y/N: I see you have a coffee machine. Might I suggest a kettle instead. Maybe electric.

Ozpin: I guess I shall look into that.

Y/N: Well I'll be going to detention now. Bye professor.

Ozpin: I recommend making up a reason for your arrival.

Y/N: Thank you.

Getting into the elevator he looks in his scroll. Multiple messages from Blake but one caught his eye in particular.

Blake's message: Of course I feel the same way about you.

Y/N: Yes! I will call my brother and tell him he was wrong about me dying alone. Oh wait first Blake. Gotta tell her I'm alright.

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