Ruby/Weiss: Getting Together

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Ruby: How You Two Get Together

As Y/N prepare for the final preparations for his plan Team RWBY were talking about the recent news.

Yang: I can't believe that classes are canceled.

Weiss: I know. It just came out of the blue.

Blake: Quite strange considering how there is no scheduled events or holidays.

Before Ruby could respond she got a message for her to come over. This message was from Y/N, and began to panic as she remembered the conversation she had with her team.

Ruby: WhatDoIDo?! WhatDoIDo?!

Yang: Ruby, you're talking too fast again.

Weiss: What is it first of all?

Ruby: It's Y/N. He's asking me to come.

Yang: You know what this means?

Ruby: That I will know if Y/N will reject me which would end our friendship?

Putting her arm around her sister, soothing her a bit she then began to prep her for what lies ahead of her.

Yang: Ruby, just relax and hear me out. This is Y/N who we're talking about here. This isn't Jaune with Weiss.

Weiss: You just had to remind me about that did you?

Blake: Good luck.

Weiss: I firmly believe it will happen so I will not wish you luck.

Ruby: Uh thanks Weiss?

Yang: Now go. Shoo.

Ruby slowly make her way to Y/N room. It is to the point that students made way past her. This was not out of nervousness but Ruby did kinda not prepare ahead of time. Making it to the door Ruby slowly opens it only to see Y/N opening an oven. Steam was coming out.

Y/N: (coughs) Ruby? Ruby! Oh you made it.

Ruby: Uhh you told me to come. Remember?

Y/N: Right I did. You made it just in time for something never done before! Well technically but no.

Ruby: Cookies you can have for breakfast?!

Y/N: What? No, I'm a baker.

Ruby: (hangs head down) Oh...

Y/N: But I think you will love this. I call it the brookie. Would you like to-

Y/N never finished his sentence as Ruby sped her way up to it and began eating it.

Y/N: That was suppose to be for our friends as well.

She slowly moved away from the brookie only to look at Y/N and swallowed the mouthful of the prices of brookie in her mouth.

Ruby: Sorry.

Y/N: I figure that you might of this so I made
a second one. Anyways what would the great Ruby, destroyer of cookies think of this?

At that exact moment Ruby has a lapse of her memory as she got confuse with what she had planned with her judgment.

Ruby: I love it like how I love you! Wait did I say the last part out loud?

Ruby thought that maybe if she stays very still that maybe Y/N won't see her. Obviously this plan didn't work.

Y/N: Ruby, Ruby that's not how vision works. I don'f even think it's true with the T-Rex.

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