Yang/Emerald: Realizing Feelings

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Yang: Realizing Feelings

Y/N: (running up to group) Guys! Guys!

Hearing your voice all their heads turn to you.

Ruby: What's up?

Y/N: I have finally mastered this one trick. Yang, if you will please stand up.

Standing up from the table Yang looked at your sword wondering what you planned to do with it.

Y/N: Alright.

Unsheathing your blade Yang and the others watch as you cut into the air with lightning speed unsure what you are doing.

Yang: What was the trick.

Y/N: I need to sheathe back the blade.

Doing so at the exact moment it did Yang and the others finally saw what you did. A strand of Yang's hair fell in front of her face. Seeing the other three members with horror on their face you were clueless what exactly is going on with them.

Y/N: What? It's like you all saw a ghost.

Blake: You... You made a strand of Yang's hair fall off.

Y/N: I know! I was aiming for it.

Turning to Yang for her support you talk.

Y/N: I been practicing that for months. As soon as I mastered the move you were the first I wanted to show it to.

Yang: (fakes smile) That's cool.

Y/N: I'll be back. Need to go to the restroom.

Waiting until you were gone Weiss was the first to speak up.

Weiss: Why didn't she get angry?

In response Yang merely waves it off.

Yang: I don't get angry when someone does something to my hair.

Weiss: Oh really? Remember the time when I took my brush that you were using when you were mid brush? You threw my mattress out the window somehow.

Ruby: Ooh. Also remember when you went against that one duo and they cut a piece of your hair. You also threw them out a window.

Blake: A lot of these stories strangely involve windows.

Ruby: But nothing happened with Y/N.

Nora: (suddenly appears) It's because Yang likes Y/N.

Yang: What? Phhfftt. No, I don't. (under her breath) Not like you're one to talk.

Blake: Why are you dressed as a nurse?

Nora: I'm the only one in my team who isn't sick. Ren says it's the common cold.

Weiss: No wonder why we haven't seen you all lately.

Nora: Anyways gotta go. (leaves) See ya!

Ruby: That didn't explain the nurse outfit.

Y/N: (walking up to them) Why is Nora in a nurse outfit? She was holding a thermometer also looking like she was going to enjoy what she was going to do with it.

Blake: You know Nora. Unpredictable at the best of times and unstable at the worst.

Y/N: I wonder how Ren does it.

As the day turned into night all the members of Team RWBY was sleeping except one. She was thinking on the events that happened in that afternoon. Her eyes briefly turned red as she saw her hair fall but seeing your smile as you looked so proud of yourself made them turn back to its normal self.

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