Summer/Velvet: Realizing Feelings

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Summer: Realizing Her Feelings

Y/N was making his way back to Vale or more specifically Beacon Academy. A year has pass since he met Summer.

He thought back to last year as he remembers the first call they had when he was going back to Atlas.

Flashback a year prior

Summer: (call) I can't believe you're going back to Atlas.

Y/N: (call) It was temporary. Hey, so do you remember my aunt?

Summer: Of course I do. How can I possibly forget her? Especially when I first met her.

Y/N: Well she embarrassed me as usual. She told my cousins how I met a beautiful girl and so on. I don't know how but she somehow got a picture of us.

Summer: When did she do this?

Y/N: While I was trying one of your cookies. It didn't help how my family acted to it like I thought they would.

Summer: So how did they act?

Y/N: The ones my age said and how that girl looks like she is up my alley. That and it was about time I found someone.

Summer: As a friend?

Y/N: Then the elder of my family were like I am so glad you found someone despite trying to tell them I barley met you.

Summer: Well it wasn't as bad for me. Yeah my teammates only do stuff like that when it's in my expense.

Y/N: And Qrow?

Summer: Well when I saw him layer on he just said how I looked too happy. I think he might've suspected something.

Y/N: Is being too happy even a thing?

Summer: I don't know but Qrow always says two things in times like these.

Y/N: I gotta hear this.

Summer: "Never trust someone who is too happy. They're hiding something." That and how there's something wrong with those who are able to dance sober.

Y/N: Huh.

Summer: Oh no.

Y/N: What?

Summer: I have to go. Bye, and I miss seeing you already.

Y/N: I'll visit you in person one of these days.

Summer: And I'll kick your butt in bowling again.

Y/N: Yeah no. I still can't understand how I got negative numbers.

Summer: Bye Y/N. Talk to you later.

Y/N: Bye Summer.

Flashback ends

Y/N was excited of seeing Summer again and this time not temporary. Though he didn't tell her in the last scroll call as he wanted it to be a surprise. That the there is how he could say that during all that time he kinda developed a sort of crush on Summer.

Summer was going up the elevator as she got a message from Ozpin about a new student in need of help. Though this only reminded her
of Y/N and she missed him. It didn't help that he wasn't acting the same.

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