Ruby: Halloween

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A/N: Alright as I have this scenario story it is a given that I have to do these sorta scenarios. I don't know what to say but regardless when you read this story have a good one. Not sure how this'll read out but what can I say? Oh, I know today would be Ruby's birthday but the thing is I kinda am not up for it. Did it in my Halo book. Well tried to but you get my point.

When Halloween finally came you didn't see yourself dressing up like this. Unfortunately the coin was never in your favor.

Ruby: Y/N! Come out.

Y/N: I don't want to. I look ridiculous.

Yang: You can't look that bad.

Blake: What was your costume idea again?

Weiss: Something about matching?

Ruby: (visibly excited( It's better if you see!

Y/N: Fine but don't laugh when I come out.

Taking in one final breath you get out of the restroom.

Y/N: How do I look?

Weiss: Uhhhh...

Blake: Hmmm....

Yang: A giant cookie?!

Ruby: I know! Isn't it great. Y/N is the cookie and I'm the Cookie Monster.

Yang: I guess you can say you and Y/N are a batch made in heaven.

Ruby: Ugh. Yang!

Weiss: So why did you two picked that?

Ruby: I heard couples do costumes that match.

Y/N: We flipped a coin. I loss. I wanted to be a blind pilot.

Yang: You two look cute!

Y/N: I think Ruby wants to take a bite out of me.

Her three teammates look to their leader only to see her drooling a bit.

Ruby: What? Nu-uh! Even if you look really delicious. Hehehe.

Blake: Were there other ideas?

Y/N: Let's see. There was the two people in a trench coat that acts like an adult.

Weiss: Huh. Well you two have fun and Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah?

Weiss: Make sure you bring Ruby early for the party.

Yang: Yeah! I'm going to dress up as a biker gang member.

Y/N: We'll just do a go around to see some of the professors and we'll be back.

Ruby: I heard they will be passing out some treats.

Weiss: Good.

Ruby: What are you two dressing up as?

Blake: (sighs) A ninja.

Weiss: As the acting heiress of the Schnee Dust Company it is most appropriate that I would dress as a princess.

Yang: Really?

Weiss: But when you...

Y/N: (whispers) Ruby.

Ruby: (whispers) Yeah?

Y/N: (whispers) We should go before this all goes ugly.

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