13. 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙨

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THE GLEE CLUB WAS TRYING TO HIDE A SECRET. Finding out from Puck that the baby was his rather than Finn's, Mercedes had struggled to keep this to herself and had told the glee club all except two people, one of which they'd expected to know everything.

"She's onto it." Mercedes panicked over the phone after a conversation with Rachel.

Listening in alongside Kurt, Tina nodded, seriously, "I know! It's really freaking me out."

Pausing, she added Artie to the phone line, and he answered almost immediately, "dudes, this is serious. If she finds out, she's going to tell Finn. She's a total Trout Mouth."

"I say we lock up Rachel until after sectionals. I volunteer my basement." Kurt suggested.

"We can't, we need her to sing." Mercedes sighed, hearing the groan of disappointment from Kurt and Tina's line.

By the time Santana and Brittany had joined the line, basically the whole glee club was on this phone call, figuring out what to do, "we just heard, who told?"

"We assumed it was you." Artie told her.

"Why would I do that?" Santana asked, defensively.

"To get back at Puck." Kurt said, as if it were obvious, "aren't you guys dating?"

"Sex isn't dating." Santana scoffed, clearly crossing an arm over her chest. Chipping in, Brittany's voice was next to be heard, "yeah, if it was, Santana and I would be dating."

Holding the phone between her, Mike and Matt whilst they listened in on the whole conversation, Katy found herself being the only one completely confused. Hearing everyone vow not to tell Rachel something and watching as Mike and Matt silently nodded along she realised that there was something she didn't know about so breaking the awkward silence, she spoke up, "hold up, what can't we tell Rachel? And what does it have to do with Puck?"

A confused silence coming across the phone as they heard Katy's confusion, Kurt finally cleared his throat with a worried glance towards Tina, "you-you don't know? We all thought you knew."

Still confused, Katy held the phone closer to her so she wouldn't miss anything, eyebrows furrowed, "you all thought I knew what?" Hearing the silence again, she grew frustrated, pacing around in a small circle.

Obviously trying to decide who should break the news in hushed whispers, the silence got even longer and Katy was becoming even more worried. Finally speaking up, Mercedes started off slowly, "congratulations! You're gonna be an Aunt." She said, nervously, "it was your brother that knocked Quinn up, not Finn."

Mouth hanging open in surprise, Katy's mind wandered to all the times she'd caught Quinn and Puck talking in hushed whispers together and everything seemed to add up. Feeling her head going fuzzy, she put a hand on the piano to try and steady herself before letting out a loud groan, "not again." She mumbled, before passing out.

𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 • 𝙜𝙡𝙚𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙣𝙚Where stories live. Discover now