Chapter Five

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*Disclaimer: I've never actually been high... So I can't really go into any details about it. The beginning of this chapter will just kind of be the aftermath of Erin getting high.*

I don't really remember much after the first hit. Let's just say I can smell colors and see sounds.

I lay on my back in the sand, my head propped up on Seth's chest, giggling my head off. He kept poking my nose and I'd laugh harder.

"Duuuudddeeee, come oooonnnnn!" Reed dragged on tackling Ryder to the sand. "You looooovvvveee that high feeeelllliiinnngggg!" he started singing very off key.

Ryder pushed Reed off him laughing. "No. One of us has to stay sober. I have to get all of you idiots home!"

"You're nooooooooo fuuuuuuunnn!" Reed pouted.

"Alright," Ryder stood up from the sand and snatched the baggie from Reed. "That's enough." Reed let out some strange strangled whine sound. Ryder handed the bag to Garret, the only other sober guy. "Don't let them have any more. I'm taking Erin to my place. If I bring her home like this her dad will arrest me on the spot. Get the guys home safe. Don't get pulled over with that." he said pointing to the bag.

"Sure thing, man," Garrett responded. "Just keep her safe."

"No worries. She's safe with me."

Ryder came over to where I was giggling and kneeled down beside me. "Erin, come on. We're going home."

"Noooooooo. I'm having fuuuunnnnn." I laughed. "The colors are gorgeous!"

Ryder stood up and swung me up into his arms. I thrashed weakly but was no where near sober enough of strong enough to push him away.

"Don't take me home!" I screamed. "My daddy's gonna kiiiilllll meeeee."

"Calm down, Erin. We're going to my house. Relax." He murmured to me.

"Ryyyyyyy!" I screeched. "I'm huuuuunnnnggggrrrryyyy!"

"That's normal, Babe." he told me trying to hide a smile. "We'll get you something when you get home."

Ryder laid me gently in the backseat. And let's just say by the time we got to his house, I ended up on the floor just giggling.

Ryder gently coaxed me from the car and as soon as I got out, I stumbled right into Ryder.

"Okay. You're not walking." He picked me up in his arms again and took me inside.

We went up to his room and he laid me on a tightly made bed.

"I'm gonna get you some food. Don't get up. I don't want you falling into something and getting hurt."

Of course, as soon as Ryder closed the door, I decided he wasn't the boss of me and I was gonna get up and look around.

I stood up, wasn't paying attention, tripped over a lone shoe, and crashed into the desk, hitting my forehead on the corner.

I cried out and gripped my forehead. I could feel the blood running down my face and in between my fingers.

I heard Ryder thunder up the stares and throw the door open.

"Erin," he sighed. He knelt down beside me and pulled my hand away from my forehead. "Oh sh**, Erin. That's deep. I'm gonna have to take you to the hospital."

I clutched at my head again. "Ryder, it hurts." I mumbled.

"I know, Babe. Come here." he stood up pulling me with him and swung me into his arms. "Hopefully by the time we get to the hospital you'll be a little soberer." he mumbled as we walked down the stairs.

"I'm so stupid." I mumbled as Ryder pressed a towel to my forehead.

"You're not stupid. It was a mistake. Now you know, smoking weed is not a smart decision."

"So, why do you do it?" I asked quietly.

"Well you're seeming a little better now that you can ask coherent, related questions. I do it because I don't learn. But, you need to learn. How are you feeling?"

"Gross." I mumbled.

Ryder chuckled. "Yeah, I would think so."

He placed me in the passenger seat. "Hold that tight." he commanded handing me the towel.

I held the towel to my face. "Ryder?" I asked as he started the car.


"Where are your parents?"

His hands tightened around the steering wheel. "I live alone." he bit out.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

Ryder kept his eyes glued to the road. "I don't really talk about it." He glanced over at me. He reached over and wiped blood from my cheek. "It looks like you're crying blood."

I cringed. "That's gross."

Ryder laughed. "It does though! You have like little trickles of blood that go down your nose and under your eye and it looks like you're crying blood."

"Stop, stop, stop!" I exclaimed. "That's just too disgusting."

"Sorry. Sorry. We're almost to the hospital then you'll be done with crying blood." he added laughing.


Okay. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. How are you guys liking this book? Is it good?

Sorry if the beginning was like awkward. I've never been high before so I didn't really know how to do that so I just kinda made it funny.

So my softball season has started and games start tomorrow so updates may be a little sparse. I'll try and update as much as I can but I don't get home from games till 11:00 and practice till 7:00 and I have homework so I'm jammed. But I'm going to try my hardest to have updates frequently up for y'all. Just be patient and bare with me.

Thanks guys.


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