Chapter Nineteen

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Ryder stared at me. "Erin, are you sure? It'll just make your parents more angry."

"I don't care, Ry!" I hiccuped. "Please. I just want to get away for a few days. And get to just be happy with you. Without the constant threat of my dad. Please. Run away with me."

"We'll have to get you dry first." Ryder replied trying to hide his smile. I threw my arms around his neck and buried my head in his shoulder. Ryder slid an arm under my knees and the other around my waist and picked my shivering body up from the ground. He placed me in the passenger seat. "Hang on. I may have a blanket in the back." Ryder disappeared for a moment and I heard him rummaging in the trunk. He reappeared at my side with a blanket and tenderly wrapped it around me.

"I guess you'll be wearing my t-shirt and boxers again." he said chuckling as he climbed into the car.

I laughed. Everything else that had happened in the night melted away and it was just Ryder and I and I was happy.

"I should probably call my mom. And Zach." I said once I had dried off and changed and Ryder and I were sitting on his bed.

He nodded. "Do you want me to leave?"

"No. No. You're fine. Actually can we snuggle. I'm still kinda cold."

Ryder smiled at me and held out his arms. "Come here, Cutie."

I snuggled into Ryder's chest and called my mom. She picked up on the second ring. "Erin! Baby! Where are you? Come home. Your dad is torn apart by what he did."

I took a deep breath to steady myself and Ryder tightened his grip around my waist. "Mom. Calm down. Please. I'm at Ryder's. No, I won't come home. I need to get away for a few days. Ryder and I are gonna hit the road in the morning."

"Erin, please..."

"Mom," I cut her off. "You can't talk me out of this. I need to get away. I'll be the Ryder. I'll be totally safe." I heard her sigh. "I love you, momma."

"I love you too. Be careful, baby."

"I will, momma. See you in a few days." And with that we hung up. "Now for Zach."

"It'll be okay." Ryder told me kissing my cheek gently.

I dialed Zach and waited while it rang. "Hey, Erin. What's up?"

"Just listen. Don't talk till I'm done. I'm going to be gone for a few days. Ryder and I are going to some of the towns around us. I just need to get away. Don't worry. I'll be perfectly safe. I just wanted to let you know."

Zach was silent for a few minutes before responding. "Are you serious? Erin, you can't."

"That's too bad. I am. And you will not talk me out of this. I need a break, Zach."

"He better not touch you." he said fiercely before hanging up.

"Well that could've gone better." I sighed tossing my phone onto the bed.

"Forget about them." Ryder said quietly. He tugged me until I was facing him, sitting in between his legs. "We're going to have fun over the next few days and they won't even matter. Okay?"

"Okay." I said softly.

Ryder leaned forward and kissed my nose and then my forehead. I closed my eyes and relished in the gentle feel of his lips on my face. He kissed my closed eyes, my cheeks, and then up my jaw to my ear. "I love you." he said in the faintest of whispers.

I sucked in a breath and opened my eyes. Ryder cupped my cheek. "You don't have to say it back." he assured me. "I just wanted, no needed, to say it."

I wasn't sure what to say. Did I really love Ryder? I didn't know in that moment. So instead of answering, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his.

When we broke away, he stared at me and said, "I know you have never seen me in any other mood than this but if I get in one of my moods or low areas, please, please," Ryder's voice broke and he looked away from me, "promise me you won't leave me."

I grabbed his chin and turned his face to look at me. Small tears slid down his cheeks. It was the weakest I had ever seen him. "Ryder, I don't care if you get so angry with me, you yell and scream, or so depressed you don't even want to see me, I won't ever leave you. I'm not your family. I'll always be here for you. I promise. I will never leave you."

Yay for new updates!

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I think it's pretty cute.

The next update should be up pretty quickly because I have written in advance. And let me just say, prepare yourselves.


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