Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I sunk back down in the chair and sobbed. My crutches clattered to the ground.

"Erin?" I heard a distant voice down the hall. "Erin!" Zach slid onto the ground in front of me. "Oh, Erin." He pulled me into his chest tightly. "What's happened?"

I swallowed back a new wave of tears and shoved away from Zach suddenly angry. "Its your fault! Ryder ended it because of you! You and my parents. I hate you, Zach. You cost me the one guy I have actually fallen in love with. Stay away from me."

"Erin, please!" Zach begged me.

"No! Stay away from me."

"Erin," he tried to plead again.

"Go away, Zach!" I screamed through my tears.

He sighed and stood up. "I'm sorry." he said quietly before walking away.

"Yeah. Whatever." I mumbled dragging the heels of my hands down my cheeks. Once my breathing was under control and I wasn't hiccuping sobs anymore, I pulled out my phone and called Natalie.

"Erin?" she asked a little surprised. "What's up?"

"Can you give me a ride home, Nat? Ryder just..." I could feel the tears coming again. Luckily Nat being the friend she is knew immediately without me having to spell it out. "Oh honey! Of course! Where are you?"

"I'm outside the main office." I whispered.

Before long Natalie appeared in the chair beside me. She wrapped her arms around me and I leaned into her chest and sobbed. "Oh, Erin." she mumbled holding me tightly. "What happened?"

"He-he broke up wi-with me-e." I stuttered in hiccuping sobs. "He wa-was afrai-afraid he wa-was ju-just causing troub-trouble for me-e."

"Come on. Let's get you home." Natalie picked up my crutches from the ground and handed them to me.

When we got to my house, I settled into the couch and Natalie went straight to the kitchen. She came into the living room carrying two bowls and a tub of ice cream. "Lets cure this break-up the right way." We turned on Mean Girls and I drowned my sadness and anger in mint chocolate chip ice cream and bad humor.

I am so sorry it took so long for this chapter to go up! It took me forever to get it right. But hey you know 2:45 in the morning when you can't sleep is the best time to cure writer's block.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and the next one will have a wonderful surprise.


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