Chapter Twelve

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"So where have you been?" Natalie asks me as I pull on my socks.

"Oh you know... Just out and about. With Ryder." I squeal.

Natalie jumps up from the bench and starts squealing too. "What?! You ditched school to hang out with Ryder? Oh my god. This is too cute! What did y'all do?"

"Well he took me to lunch, and then we wandered around the Square and he bought me this." I pulled the pendant from my bag and showed her.

"He bought this for you?!" she squealed again. "He totally likes you."

I blushed and put the necklace back in my bag. Man did I hope so.

Natalie poked my cheek. "Aw! I see that blush! You totally have the hots for Ryder!" she exclaimed.

I knocked her hand away. "Geez, Nat. Could you tell the whole school?"

"Sorry sorry. But, it's just too cute. What does Zach think of it?"

I pulled on my cleat and stood up. "Why should I care what Zach thinks of it?"

Natalie stood up and we walked out of the locker room towards the field. "Well I mean, you guys have been best friends since birth. Don't you want him to at least like the guy you're in to?"

I shook my head. "It shouldn't matter what Zach thinks. I can like and date whoever I want. I don't need his consent."

"That a girl. You don't need no one."

"Don't talk like that, Nat!" I laughed.

She slung her arm around my shoulder, "Why not, yo?"

We laughed as we walked down the field.

"Erin!" My coach exclaimed when she saw me. "What happened to your head?"

My hand flew to my stitches. I had completely forgotten about them. "Oh. It's nothing. I fell and hit my head last night on my desk. No biggie."

"Are you sure you're good to play?" she asked skeptically.

I nodded. "Definitely. A few stitches isn't going to stop me."

"Alright. Well, we are going to scrimmage today." The whole team cheered. "You didn't let me finish." she said holding her hands up. "Today, we are going to scrimmage the boys varsity team." Natalie elbowed my ribs.

We all turned to the click of cleats on the concrete. The boys varsity team came down the steps to the field.

"Coach Carson." Coach Robin greets the boy's coach.

"We ready for some friendly soccer?" Coach Carson asked as him and his team stopped in front of us.

"I believe so." Coach Robin turned to us, "Ladies, take the field."

We all ran onto the field to take our positions

Ryder winked at me from his place in the opposite goal.

I giggled behind my goalie glove but quickly put on my game face.

The scrimmage went by quickly. We were tied with only a few minutes left. We were set up for a goal when suddenly Seth gained possession of the ball. He was too quick for any of the girls to catch up with and before I knew it, he was barreling at me.

"Erin!" the girls screeched as the raced to catch up with Seth.

I realized quickly that the only way I was going to stop Seth was to leave the goal.

I darted from the goal toward Seth. I knew he was smart enough not to just let me kick it from him so I dove. I slid in front of Seth, leg outstretched, and nudged the ball away from him and towards one of my teammates. But immediately, I knew something was wrong.

Seth gaped down at me. "Oh my god, Erin. I am so sorry." he said dropping down onto the field beside me.

I heard my team cheer as they got the ball past Ryder.

I touched my forehead and realized I had pulled my stitches on Seth's cleat.

"Ah crap." I muttered. I stood up from the ground. "No, you're good, Seth. It's just a little blood. No worries."

Ryder jogged over. "Erin! What happened?"

"Calm down. I just pulled a few stitches. That's all."

This didn't calm Ryder. "Come on. Let's get you to the trainer."

"Everything alright down there?" My coach hollerd.

"Yes ma'am." I answered giving her a thumbs up. "I'm just going to run to the trainer. My stitches pulled."

"Take one of my boys with you!" Coach Carson bellowed. "Make sure you get there safe."

"I'll take her!" Ryder exclaimed quickly.

"Let me get my bag." I told him. I started to push past him but he grabbed my arm.

"No I'll get it. Which one is it?"

"The dark blue Under Armor one. It has a tag with my name on it."

Ryder jogged over to the bench and retrieved my bag. He came back over. I stopped him so I could grab my phone from the front pocket.

I checked my messages as we walked to the trainer's.

"Ah sh**!" I mumbled to myself. I had three missed calls from my mom, two from dad, and two from Zach. I also had two text messages. I read Zach's first: I didn't mean too! It slipped. I'm sorry! What was he talking about? Then I read the message from my dad: Zach told us about how you skipped school to be with Ryder. Zach will bring you straight home after practice. We told Sebastian and Chad to come down next weekend. We are having a talk. I could not believe Zach had told my parents. We were supposed to be best friends. I didn't need him snitching on my when I was trying to have some fun.

"What's wrong?" Ryder asked concerned.

"Zach snitched. He told my parents I ditched school to hang out with you. My parents are pissed." I huffed. "I do not want to go home. I'll have to deal with this and the beach thing and my mom is going to try and make me feel guilty by probably crying and man, I wish my parents would just chill." I ranted. "I'm sorry. I rant when I'm pissed."

"Why don't you stay at my place tonight? I've got plenty of room."

There you go, peeps. New update!

So I have an important question: seeing as it's pretty obvious Ryder and Erin are going to get together, would y'all like them to get together like next chapter or something or would y'all rather have more character and relationship development? I'm down for both so it's up to you guys. Just let me know Whatch you want!


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