Chapter Ten

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"Zach. Erin." Someone called from the door followed by a few raps. "Y'all need to get up so you're not late."

I heard Zach yawn as I slowly opened my eyes.

Zach's dad stood in his doorway. "Hey Papa Nick." I greeted sitting up and stretching.

"Good morning, Erin." he smiled. "You're dad called. He said your Uncle Sebastian is going to pick you up after soccer today."

I groaned. I had totally forgotten I had soccer practice. "What's the matter, Erin?" Zach asked sitting up.

"I don't have clothes for practice. I think my cleats and shin guards are in my locker but I don't have clothes." I groaned falling back onto the bed with a huff.

"I'll leave you two kids to get ready." Nick said closing the door.

Zach crawled off the bed and started rummaging through his drawers. "You spend so much time here, I'm sure I've got some of your soccer stuff." he mumbled as he searched. "Bingo!" he hollered as he tossed one of my Nike tank tops, one I'd been searching for for months might I add, and a pair of Adidas soccer shorts at me.

"You're a life saver, Zach."

He grinned. "I know. Now, race you downstairs!" he hollered already darting for the door.

"Ah! No fair!" I scrambled to untangle myself from the blankets. I leapt off the bed and tore off down the hall and down the stairs skidding to a halt in the kitchen.

"I win." Zach grinned from his place at the table with a plate of eggs in front of him.

"That was totally cheating!" I responded taking my plate from the counter and joining him at the table.

"You two are such children." Mama beamed at us.

"Always have been, Ma." Zach laughed.

"Erin, a pair of your jeans and the shirt you were wearing last night are hanging in the laundry room."

"Thanks, Mama."

"I'm going to head to work. Don't be late." She told us as she kissed the tops of our heads.

"We won't!" Zach called shoveling scrambled eggs in his mouth.

We finished breakfast and got ready.

"Crap!" I exclaimed suddenly while I was brushing my hair.

Zach poked his head into the bathroom, "What?"

"I don't have my backpack. We have to run by my house. I'll just run in, grab my bag, and run out."

"What if your mom's home?"

"Look, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it!" I exclaimed frustrated.

Zach held up his hands. "Woah. Hey. Relax."

I sighed and set my brush on the counter. "I'm sorry. I'm just a little tense."

He pulled me into a hug. I rested my head on his chest. "I know. How about I run in and get your bag and you wait in my truck?"

I nodded my head. "Thank you, Zach."

We drove to my house. I sat and waited in the car while Zach ran inside and got my backpack.

He climbed back in the car and plopped my bag on my lap. "Was she or my dad home?"

"Your mom was." he responded quietly. "She just wants to know when you're coming home."

I sat back in my seat and huffed. "Now she's making me feel bad..."

Zach reached over and squeezed my leg. "Hey, don't worry about it right now. Just out it out of your mind. Worry about it later."

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