Final Author's Note

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I thought I finished this book, but then someone commented on one of the chapters that motivated me to fix it (by the way, thanks to 


for that comment) I wanted to end it strong, so this is it. Just for fun, I decided that the Seabury family later births a girl named Claire. Claire married a William Robinson and they had two daughters named Harriet and Bailey. But Claire and William were tragically killed, throwing Harriet and Bailey onto the streets to fend for themselves. Harriet disappears and Bailey starts working for Joseph Pulitzer's The World in the year 1900. She grows a special bond with one of them.

This is a completed story I wrote called Bound to Rain. It's about Newsies. If you're here from it, lovely. If not, that's okay too.

Thanks for reading!!!


If you want to talk to me about my "content," my discord is buckaroo#1708

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