Chapter 3

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We were at Cheddars for what felt like days. We finally parted ways at 6:00 p.m. and I decided to go for a drive. My parents worked until 8:30 or later most nights, so no one would miss me.

I still could not believe Lucas had come back. We were best friends for so long. There had been so many times that I wanted to pick up the phone and call him, but I just couldn't.

"Ring. Ring. Ring." My phone started ringing and broke my train of thought.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey. Am I still coming over?"

"Yeah, that's fine Kyle. I'll be home in a few minutes if you want to meet me there, but you can't stay long. I've got lots of stuff to do."

"Already? It's the first day. You can't tell me you already have homework." Kyle said, sounding agitated.

"It's not homework. I've just got to get things organized and make sure I have everything ready for all my classes."

"Whatever, I'm almost there."

"Okay, see you in a minute." I know it seemed like I didn't want to see him, but I did. He was my boyfriend, of course I wanted to see him. I was just exhausted from the day.

I couldn't stop replaying my day over and over again in my head. I didn't hardly talk the whole time I was with Kyle.

"Baby.. what's wrong?" Kyle asked.

"Nothing? Why?"

"You've been quiet today. You haven't even told me about your first day back."

"There's not much to tell. Typical first day back."

"There's got to be something? New kids? First day drama?" Kyle hugged me playfully.

"No, not really. It was a pretty easy and uninteresting day." I smiled. I conveniently left out that Lucas was back. I figured Kyle was already aggravated I didn't come home and spend the night with him, so why make things any worse?

"Well okay" Kyle looked at his phone. "I'm going to get going. It's getting kind of late."

It was only 7 p.m.

"Okay then. Be careful." I wasn't in the mood to try and convince him to stay.

"Alright. Bye, Ashlyn." he left without so much as a hug or kiss goodbye. He always got so aggravated when things didn't go his way. He was by no means a bad boyfriend, he was just a little clingy. He wanted me to spend all of my free time with him and not spend all my time with my friends. I was usually pretty good about balancing it out. Sometimes it was a little bit of a struggle to please everyone, but I did my best.

I spent the rest of that night organizing all of my folders and binders for my classes. I was trying to keep busy. I really hoped that things got easier from here.

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