Chapter 9

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When we got upstairs he led me to his bedroom. It was a lot like the one at his dad's old house. Neat and tidy. Lucas had always been a neat freak, just like his dad. His bed was next to the wall, there was a desk, a dresser, and a small entertainment center with a T.V. on it. We used to sit in there every day after school and watch Saved by the Bell reruns. That was always the best part of my day, I felt safe and happy. Nothing ever got to us when we were there. It didn't matter what had happened, once we were there everything just felt better. I couldn't help but smile as I stood in the doorway reminiscing.

"What are you smiling about?" Lucas asked, interrupting my trip down memory lane.

"You didn't change your room." I said, and I picked up a comic book off his dresser and started flipping through the pages.

"I liked the way that it looked at our old house, so no need to change it." he smiled.

"Remember how we used to sit in there everyday and watch Saved by the Bell, after school?" I asked.

"How could I forget?" He walked over to the entertainment center and opened it. He had tons of DVDs. He reached in and pulled something out that I couldn't see, and walked over to me.

"What is that?" I asked cautiously.

"Well, since you brought it up, I thought you might want to watch a few episodes with me." he said and he handed me the DVD box.

"Oh my gosh! The first season! Do you really want to watch it? You should probably be resting." But I really did want to watch it.

"I would rather stay up and watch this...with you." he shyly smiled.

"Alright. Go put it on." I smiled and nudged him towards the T.V.

Once he turned it on an instant calm came over me. It was like I was thirteen years old again. I was so relaxed and comfortable. I just wanted to stay right here and not have to deal with any of the messes that the real world had waiting for me.

After the second episode was over I could barely keep my eyes open. I looked over at Lucas and he was fast asleep, not that I could blame him. He had had a rough night. He looked so peaceful, even with the cut right above his eye. I started moving around looking for my phone and I realized I didn't have it. The last time I had remembered having it was in his dad's office. I looked over at Lucas to make sure he was still asleep and then got up and went to look for my phone.

My phone was lying on the table right beside the door. I checked it and I had ten missed calls and ten messages. All of the calls and messages had been from Kyle, except for one message from Claire.

Claire: Just wanted to check on you and make sure everything was okay. We got Kyle home. Love you!

Ashlyn: Hey girl. I just checked my phone, but everything is okay. Thank you both for taking him home.

About the time I clicked send the doorbell rang.

"What the heck?" I asked myself as I looked down at my phone. It was 12:30 a.m! Who in the heck would drop by after midnight?

I walked down the stairs and I could hear knocking. I stopped on the bottom step. I couldn't decide if I should answer or not. I stood there for a few seconds and the knocking just continued. I started to step off the bottom step and towards the door so I could peek out the window when I felt someone grab my arm.

"Ahh!" I let out a muffled shriek. I turned around and it was Lucas. He looked like he had just woken up. "You scared the heck out of me!" I whisper-yelled.

"What are you doing and why are you whispering?" He whispered back.

"There's someone at the door." I pointed towards the door.

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