Chapter 14

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I left Claire and Ryan in the gym. I had to find Lucas. He needed to know how I felt. Even if it was too late, I still had to tell him. I headed to the place I figured he would go. When I got to the locker rooms outside of the football field I saw him. He was sitting in the bleachers. He didn't even notice me walk up.

"Hey." I said.

He turned and looked at me, "Oh. Hey."

"I thought I might find you out here. Can I sit?"

"Yeah sure. Where's your date?" He asked as he scooted over so I could sit next to him.

"He is probably halfway home by now." I said. I gave him a little nudge as I sat down.

"I don't get it." He wasn't even looking at me. He was staring up at the sky. This wasn't a good sign.

"I want to tell you something. You were right. You were right from there very beginning. It was always you that I wanted to be with. You're Lucas. You're the guy that knows everything about me. You know all of the good and all of the bad. I don't want to waste anymore time. I don't want to have to wonder what could have been anymore."

He just looked at me. The silence felt like it lasted an eternity.

"Will you say something, please?" I could feel my hands trembling from being nervous. Lucas had laid it all out there to me twice now. I hoped I wasn't too late.

"Why did you come with Kyle then?"

"Because he asked, I felt horrible for the way things had happened. I just didn't want things to have ended so badly I guess. I went to tell him that everything was over between us and then he said he already bought a corsage. I just felt like I should. I told him tonight that I wanted to be with you."

"I see."

"I'm sorry. I never gave you a chance to explain everything that night. I was so confused and really hurt. I thought you had lied to me and I felt like an idiot."

"I would never lie to you, Ashlyn. You should know that. Jess and I broke up before I ever moved back. She came here trying to get me back and I told her that I couldn't be with her, because I want to be with you." He was looking straight into my eyes, I felt like he was looking into my heart.

"I do know. I just ran away. That's what I do best. I've never been good with emotions and relationships. You know that."

"Stop running."

"I'm going to." I stood up and reached for Lucas's hand. "Dance with me?"

He smiled at me and stood up. He pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Hang on you'll see." A few moments later Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran was playing on his phone. He reached out his hand and led me down the steps of the bleachers. Then there we were dancing on the football field. Just the two of us. I always wanted to have the perfect prom, but I never imagined that my perfect prom would be on the football field, music playing from an iPhone, with Lucas.

"It was always and will always be you." Lucas whispered in my ear as we were dancing. I looked up into his eyes and he kissed me. It was like we were the only people in the entire world. Everything in that moment could not have been more perfect. There's something special about everything coming together with the right person at the right time.

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