Chapter 5

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I met Claire and Ryan for breakfast before school the next day and they both asked me how everything turned out after school. I filled them in on how I came home and packed all of Kyle's things up and sat them on the front porch, but I ended up forgiving him before he left.

They both looked at each other for a few seconds, but didn't say anything. So I said, "What?"

"Nothing." Ryan said without looking me in the eyes.

"Lies. Lies. Lies. Tell me." I said waving my fork at them.

"Nothing, as long as you're happy. We are happy." Claire smiled.

"I am happy. Why wouldn't I be?" I said taking a sip of my orange juice.

"No reason." Claire said, but I could tell there was something else she wanted to say. I decided not to push her. She would tell me whenever she felt like I should know.

"So, what did you guys do last night?" I asked.

"Nothing really." Ryan said and then he nudged Claire.

"Okay, what is going on?" I asked, I was starting to get aggravated. They had been acting weird ever since I walked into the restaurant.

"It's really not a big deal" Claire said glaring at Ryan. "Lucas called us both last night." Then they both stared at me. I wasn't expecting that to be what they were going to tell me, but we all used to be friends. It made sense that he would want to reconnect with them, too.

"Okay?" I chuckled and continued eating my food. "What did he want?"

"He invited us to go to a party at his house this weekend. Kind of like this is our last year of high school thing. No big deal." Ryan explained.

"And you didn't want to tell me this because?" I questioned.

"We didn't want to cause any more problems between you and Kyle." Claire said sheepishly as she stole a bite of my pancakes.

"Why would it cause any issues between us? Kyle knows that Lucas and I grew up together. I think it sounds fun. I told you guys that we are going to be friends. When is it?"

"Friday night." Ryan said.

"Are you really thinking about going?" Claire asked me.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked.

"Considering what happened yesterday, I would think, you would want to stay away from him."

"What about Kyle?" Ryan interjected.

"He can go, too." I stated.

"This is going to be interesting." Claire giggled a little.

We sat and talked until we had to leave for school. I told them I would be a few minutes behind them that I had to stop for a breakfast sandwich for Lucas since he had bought me one the day before. They exchanged cheesy grins and said okay.

Claire and Ryan were excited to have two classes together. I, sadly, only had homeroom with Ryan and nothing with Claire. Claire and I had not had a class together since our freshman year, which really sucked since she was the only girl who I  really got along with. We weren't the dramatic types of girls who fought over boys, clothes, or other unimportant things that wouldn't matter after high school. We were a lot like sisters.

In homeroom, we still weren't doing anything. Mrs. Bush put the movie back on and I decided I was going to take advantage of the dark and take a nap. I was almost half asleep when I heard a "thump" on my desk. I open my eyes and there's a folded up paper lying on my desk. I picked it up and unfolded it.

It read "Thanks for the sandwich!"

I looked up and Lucas was smiling at me. So I wrote back "A little old to be passing notes in class. Don't you think?" And I tossed it back to him.

He opened it and shook his head while grinning. He scribbled something, folded it back up, and then tossed the note back to me.

"Party @ my house tomorrow. You coming?"

I was debating about what to write back when the bell rang. So I folded the note and slid it into my folder. While I was gathering my things Lucas walked over and said, "So are you coming?"

"I guess you'll have to wait and see." I smiled and walked away. As soon as I started walking away I realized that I had sounded like I was trying to flirt with him. I didn't mean for it to sound like that. At least I didn't think I did.

By the time sixth period rolled round, everyone knew about Lucas's party, even the people who didn't know him. I still couldn't decide if I was going to go. I sat there and thought about mine and Kyle's conversation. He had really gotten angry when we talked about Lucas. I didn't want to upset him more by going to this party. I decided it couldn't hurt to ask. I pulled out my phone and typed out a text to Kyle:

Ashlyn: So we got invited to a party tomorrow night.

Kyle: By who?

Ashlyn: Lucas.

Kyle: Ok. We can go.

Ashlyn: Really?

Kyle: Yes. I'm sure all your friends are going?

Ashlyn: Yes. Yay! Come to Claire's at 7:45 Friday!

Kyle: Okay. I love you.

Ashlyn: Love you.

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