Chapter 8

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Before our lips met someone burst through the door. "Lucas, you have got to get down here. Two guys are fighting in the living room!"

We both took a step away from each other. "Okay. I'm on my way."

I let out a huge sigh and said, "Let's go." I turned and headed out the office door. I wasn't sure if I was relieved that someone had interrupted us or if I was upset.

We get downstairs and there is a huge crowd of people surrounding two guys. They were yelling at each other and throwing punches. Lucas and I fought our way to the front of the crowd to see who the drunken idiots were.

"Shit." I say when we finally reached the front.

"What?" Lucas asked.

"That's Kyle." I said pointing towards one of the drunken idiots.

Next thing I know Lucas and one of the football players were trying to pry them apart. Lucas finally pulled Kyle off the other guy and I rushed towards them both.

"Kyle! What are you doing?" I yelled and instantly everyone's eyes were on me.

"Oh lookie here. It's Ashlyn and Luuuuucas." He slurred while trying to break out of Lucas's grip. I could feel my cheeks turning pink.

"How much have you had a drink?" I asked.

"None of your business." He yelled at me.

"I'm taking you home. Give me your truck keys." I reached my hand out.

"I will drive you both home." Lucas interjected.

"Over my dead body." Kyle said as he broke free from Lucas.

"Ashlyn isn't going with you while you're like this." Lucas said calmly.

"And who the hell are you? Her boyfriend. Oh wait, that's me. So why don't you run along and mind your own business."

I couldn't believe what was happening. Everyone at the party was staring at them. Yelling over me. I couldn't get anymore embarrassed. "Guys. Stop it." I hissed. "Where are Claire and Ryan at when you need them." I mumbled.

"Kyle, please just give me your keys." I begged.

"Ashlyn, he's drunk. You don't need to be alone in a vehicle with him." Lucas said.

"How about you back off, pretty boy." Kyle said as he jabbed Lucas's chest with his finger.

"Kyle. Stop it." I yelled at him.

"Why are you defending him?" He yelled back at me. "You're mine." He grabbed my arm and jerked me towards him.

Lucas jumped in the middle of us and pushed Kyle back. The next thing I know Kyle rears back and punches Lucas straight in the eye, causing Lucas to stumble back and almost knocked me down. Everyone in the room gasped and I jumped between them hoping to prevent another fight from happening.

"Leave." I looked at Kyle, dead in the eye, and said. He just stood there and stared at me, so I said it again. "Leave. I'm serious." I just wanted Kyle to go and for everything to calm down.

"Ash...I" His face changed and his anger seemed to be erased. It was like all of a sudden he was sober again.

"No. Go. I don't want to hear it." Kyle's face dropped as if I had hurt him. Which was crazy to me since he was the one acting like a child.

Ryan came out of the crowd and pulled Kyle back. He started talking to him and he must have convinced him to hand over his keys, because they headed towards the door and Claire followed. I looked back at Lucas and he had a gash over his eye.

"Are you okay?" I asked .

"Yeah, I just have a headache." he smiled that stupid boyish grin.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Come on. Let's go get something for you to put on that eye, Rocky."

Everyone started making their way towards the door. Nothing like a fight to ruin a party. As I was looking around I realized the house was a complete disaster. His dad was going to kill him when he got home.

"Let me get some ice." I said as I walked into the kitchen. "Where are the dish towels?"

He pointed to the drawer beside the oven. "You didn't have to stay." he said while I was putting ice in the towel.

"I wanted to." I said when I handed him the towel. "You didn't have to jump in the middle."

"I wanted to." he replied. "So, what does this mean?"

"What does what mean?"

"All of this. You asking, well telling, Kyle to leave. You staying. What happened upstairs."

"It means Kyle was being a jerk and...I don't really want to analyze this right now." I sighed.

"Okay." he just stared at me. He wanted an answer but I wasn't ready to give myself an answer, let alone give him one. There was no denying that there were some sort of feelings there. Deep down I knew there had always been some feelings there, but he was always my best friend. Even when we weren't talking to each other he was my best friend. He knew more about me then I knew about myself. He was always there for everything. He held me when I cried, he'd always made me laugh when I needed a pick me up, there was no one else like him in my life. I lost him two years ago when I freaked out. I was not ready to lose him all over again. We were just getting back into each other's lives.

"Let's get you upstairs." I said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Are you staying here tonight?" He raised an eyebrow when he asked.

"Since I rode with Kyle and everyone else left, my only option is you. And you probably shouldn't be driving, so I guess so. I will stay in one of the five extra bedrooms.

"Or you could stay in my room?" He grinned.

"Let's just get you upstairs." I smiled at him.

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