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Braelyn Mariah Harden🤍

"Hey Brae you straight" my sister ask me on the phone

"I'm cool I'm just not in the mood"

"Well I'm going to tell you. Jayron behind all of this he been planning on this for months"

"I'm not even surprise at this point don't tell me you still with him Aya"

"No I'm trying to get away im back at mama house but all my stuff over at his"

"Do he know you leaving I don't want you to go over and he do some to you for leaving we can just buy you some more clothes Aya your safety come first before anything"

"I know but-"

"But nothing leave it alone we can go shopping one of these days.he already did enough you need to file something against him!"

"I am soon I promise but off that subject I thought you was still at the hospital me and Rylee was on the way"

"Nah I left like 10mins ago I'll be back up there tomorrow after work tell Rylee I said I love her"

"She acting funny cause I stop the show we was watching at home"

"I don't care she better say she love me back"

"I love you too" I heard her soft voice say

"Alright Aya I made it home I'll talk to you tomorrow"

"Alright bye" she hung up

I got in the house walking towards the shower even though I heard it was already on

"Jayce why you always try to get in when I come home knowing I want to get in" I said stripping my clothes off

"Man shut that shit up you acting like you can't get in with me" he said walking up to me hugging me from behind

"And that mean you can't touch my body while we in there either"

"Girl get your pregnant ass in"

I got out putting my pajamas on waiting for Jayce to come back from the kitchen

"How your day was? Did you see my gift " He plop down on the bed

"Could of been better and I love my gift stink" I kissed his cheek

"What you mean could of been what's wrong" he frowned his face up

"Well Ace got shot today on the good side he still here but the bad part is that he have one more surgery to go through im just nervous.. anything can happen" I said rubbing my stomach

"No Braelyn everything going to be fine I promise" he lift my chin up making eye contact with me

"How would you feel if you we make things official Brae?"

"But I'm pregnant that's not right of me to be with-"

"Shhhh Braelyn I don't care bout you being pregnant I want you. A baby ain't stopping nothing I'm willing to step up and do what I gotta do for us I'll do anything fuck what anybody else gotta say we spent months with each other I want to settle with you"

I felt my eyes water up a bit cause he was so sincere with his words

"Yes I'm ready to take another step with you Jayce"

"You sure Braelyn?"

"Yes" I nodded my head slowly

He kissed me softly placing his hand on my chin .. I finally have somebody that's willing to do right by me

That's all I ever wanted from Ace.

I walk in the hospital seeing some middle aged man he look like he was in his forty's if I'm not mistaken

"Hey you must be my son baby mother" he glanced at my stomach

"Yes and my name is Braelyn"

"Oh damn another one ? I'm sorry excuse what I said but im Ace pops"

"Nice to meet you Mr.Morgan" I said respectfully

"Girl or boy I know he having one boy by um the other girl"

"Her name is Niya and it's a girl"

"Oh okay that's good to hear he been waking up here and there so hopefully he will be up to see you" he smiled

It's was awkward silence I was ready for Ace to just wake up already

I heard a random knock on the door from some girl I never seen before

"You know who that is" I ask Ace father

"She been up here yesterday when everybody left I'll go get it"

To my surprise Ace woke up , he saw me and showed all 32 of his teeth

"Hey big head" I nudge his head

"Wessup babymama" he tried to dap me up

"Um who is this Bae" the girl stared at me up and down

"I'll advise you to tell her before shit get heated" I said staring back

"Aye chill Yasmin this the mother of my daughter and Braelyn this Yasmin my girlfriend"

"Oh another one" she had the nerve to say

"Yup another one and you going to treat me with respect too."

"Yasmin don't start bra you already got into with Niya but Braelyn ain't the one to buck at so calm down with all that"

"Whatever" she said sitting down

"I'm bout to head out and get some to eat you want something Ace"

"Umm thats what I'm here for I'm his girlfriend therefore worry bout ya self I got me and him" she stood up like she was bout to do sum

"Bitch I was doing your sorry ass a favor since you came up here empty handed he was sleep when I walk in don't think cause im pregnant I won't beat ya ass"

"Y'all chill out" Ace dad said

"Man bitch get yo angry ass out of here you mad cause Ace don't want you nomo"

"You sound dumb as you look but I promise when this my baby drop ima beat yo ass you seem to try me cause I'm pregnant yo nigga just got shot and your main focus is me asking him a question jump off the nearest cliff and die!"

"See I told you Yasmin .. let me just go back to sleep"

I don't know who Ace done got with but I'm promise I ain't forgetting about this ass whooping

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