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Ace Ezekiel Morgan

Soon as Braelyn pulled off I start popping off my glock making sure I get everybody on the other side knock off.

As I was shooting a loud boom filled the air


I turn my head slowly seeing the worse scene in my life Braelyn car was wreck into a tree filed with bullets outside of her car.

I drop everything and ranned so fast my heart dropped I was praying she didn't have the door lock

"BRAELYN" banging on the windows I seen her eyes were slowly closing.

Fuck that I punch the glass sticking my arm in to unlock the door


I open the door seeing she was hit on her arm


I applied pressure on her wound trying my best not to let her bleed out her eyes was open mid way I felt her breathing hard

"Braelyn stay up with me okay?"

"I'm scared" she said lowly

"I got you Ima get you to the hospital you just got to keep your eyes open for me Okay?"

Finally one of my workers pulled up still shooting I open the car door laying her down in the backseat

I took my tank top off wrapping it around her arm to keep the blood In

"Aye call my sister let her know take her straight to the hospital it's unlock call now!" I threw my phone to the front

Soon as I close the back door bullets was still spraying in the air

"FUCK!" I left my glock in the middle of the road but I always kept a spare gun in my pants

I was on go mode I was shooting to kill. they tried to take somebody that had nothing to do with it I'm laying everybody down now

I got behind Braelyn car shooting straight head shots to some more niggas on the porch and hitting some in the woods

I check the road to make sure it was clear I ranned to the back of D truck

"Aye D get the money and hop in Taylin car I need to use this to go to the hospitals"

"Bet yo team good boss" he threw the keys at me

"Yeah I know I'm with some real killers we can't fall off"

I got in the driver seat fleeing the scene I had to make sure Braelyn was straight she was on my mind the whole ride.

Seeing her like that start to fuck with me no matter what terms we was on that was my girl in my eyes and I couldn't let shit harm her.

I got to the hospital within 10mins

"Hey what room Braelyn in ?"

"Last name ?"


"She in room 313 & next time come in here with a shirt on"

I look down forgetting all about that I tied my tank top around Braelyn arm

The lady look like she was in her mid 30s trying to flirt with a young nigga like me she can get it tho. But this ain't what I'm here fa

I open the door seeing a lady looking a bit like Braelyn, Braelyn niece Rylee, and my sister

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