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Braelyn Mariah Harden💕

A week later.. Friday day before Saturday

"You need help with anything else"

" I think thats about it"

Ms.Teressa and my mama came over helping me packing my stuff in boxes. I haven't found a place yet I decided I'm going back to my mama house.

" Thank yall so much"

" We got you Braelyn I love you like your my own" Ms.Harden said smiling at me.

She was so strong If you ask me Kyrie got his strength from her.

" I want you to come with me to view the body today at 2 o'clock I need to change clothes first before I come back."

I was so scared I can't look at my husband laying ln a casket.

"Ok I'll ride with you I'll be ready by 1:30ish"

"Alright baby I'll be back later on to come get you"

" We leaving out come walk us to the door Braelyn"

" I was going to do that anyway Ma" I chuckled

"Y'all be safe okay" waving goodbye to them.

I turned around looking at the half empty apartment with boxes stack on top of each other. I walk up to the room trying to find something to wear . I'm just going to keep it simple.

I just threw on some black tights and one of Kyrie Black and white Nike hoodie. I slid on my black Nike slides. I haven't been dressing up just wasn't in the mood too do so.

I check my phone seeing it was 1:30 she should be here in a few minutes. I walk to the kitchen going to the refrigerator opening seeing a sticky note on a root beer.

"Don't drink my shit Braelyn"

I laughed to myself oh how I miss him I got the root beer anyway.

"You will be alright kyrie" I mumbled to myself smiling.

My phone started ringing I already knew it was Ms.Teressa I grab my phone turning all the lights in The apartment before closing and locking the door.

I got in the car speaking to her "Hey again" I smiled

"Hey my sweet baby you ready?"

"Yes ma'am"

We made it there fast to the funeral home I felt my heart beating fast. It really came down to this I walk up to this place deep down I didn't want to enter in.

"Hey again Ms.Harden" the middle age man greeted her

"Hey John this is Kyrie wife my daughter in law her name is Braelyn she coming to see her husband"

"Hey Mrs.Braelyn Harden y'al two can follow me right here down this hall right here"

We followed him down the hall and enter the room. My body became numb I couldn't feel nothing my eyes was glued to him seeing him in that casket.

Tears running down my face I walk up to his body. Giving him a kiss on his forehead. He look like he was peacefully sleeping still looking handsome as always.

"I'll give you a moment Braelyn I'm in the hallway if you need me" my mother in law said stepping out.

I nodded turning my attention back to Kyrie

"You know I miss you I don't know if I can do this life shit without you. I'm hurt you not here but at the same time you was showing me so many signs that you wanted a change. I'm sorry it had to come down to this Kyrie , I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you, I'm sorry I didn't stop you from going even though I tried I just didn't try hard enough."

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