Braelyn Mariah Harden
"From the looks of it you can be due at any time which is very exciting and babygirl is also very healthy."
I sighed in relief now i'm hoping for a safe delivery whenever my baby come on down
"Do you have any questions for me?"
"No ma'am" I smiled
"Alright then see you in a couple more weeks" The Doctor said leaving out
I ain't have nothing else to do today except going to this appointment
I might as well go check up on Ace crazy ass
"I guess we can go see yo big head ass daddy." I mumbled to myself
I walk in seeing him staring up at the ceiling with all the lights off
what the hell?
"Hey Ace I brought you some food." I place his wendy's down on the table
"Just Leave"
"No what's good with you? Why you in the dark?" I flick the light on
He start to ball his fist up taking a deep breath
"They trying to put Dre on life support it's fucking with me that I can't do nun to stop this shit"
this was my first time seeing Ace shed a tear. My heart broke for him not only him but Aubree too she really fell in love with Dre
"I ain't felt this pain since my ma left I couldn't do shit either to stop it but this shit different from that this nigga walking around this bitch alive and I want em dead as soon as I get out."
"I'll be damn Ace fuck no! you have kids to live for don't crash out about this shit I know it's hard but please think smarter."
"I can't" he look back up at the ceiling
His phone start to ring
"I'll get it"
I answered the facetime call that had a unsave number on the screen
"He here Ace look" Niya said cheesing switching the camera to the baby
"Aww oh my god! my bad look Ace" I handed him the phone
His face lightened up a bit I can tell hearing his child was here was calming him down
"What's you name him?" he ask
"Adonis Cole Morgan"
"Aw that's so cute congratulations Niya"
I was definitely anxious for my baby to get here
"Thank You Braelyn I can't wait for him to meet his little sister."
"Right she need to come on"
"And when she do her big brother will be waiting on her but i'm bout to get some sleep speedy recovery Ace Adonis will be waiting for you and Braelyn healthy delivery"
"Thank you Niya!"
"Preciate that Niya i'll be out sometime next week i'll see him as soon as I touch down"
"Okay just let me know"
"bet" he hung up handed me the phone
"I hope you have a better look on life now you got a son to live for don't let this shit go over yo head"
I gave him his food
"I'm bout to head home you need anything before I go."
"Can you give me one more chance Braelyn?"
I stood in silence biting my lip taking in what he said as we made eye contact with each other ..
Vote! I know this chapter pretty short but I was telling myself I got to stop leaving y'all hanging so here go a lil sum sum