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Braelyn Mariah Harden

Ace : Aya got shot she in the hospital

My heart dropped to my stomach , I lost my appetite

I pushed my food away trying to think how I was going to tell my mother

"Ma we gotta go to the hospital" I said lowly

"For what?" She look at me confused pausing the movie she was watching

"Aya in the hospital she got shot"

"WHAT ????" my ma jump up snatching her keys off the counter

"Are you riding with me Brae or what why you just sitting there?"

"You can go without me I got to take Alaia to Aubree house first"

She just nodded and continued to rush out the door

All I could do is remain calm and hope my sister pull through


Aubree walk outside her yard meeting me halfway to get Alaia "There go my baby" Aubree smiled

"Everything's in this bag i'm coming back to get her later tonight , I know you got to watch Dre too-"

"Oh girl no you fine go check on your sister! Take as long as you want Brae"

"Thank you" I mouthed walking back to my car

I don't even smoke , but I just wasn't in the state of mind of feelings sober. hopefully this can make everything I'm feeling go away.


I took my last pull from the blunt before putting it out completely.

I had my fair share with hospitals it's always bad news

So many emotions I had but I felt numb.

It's like i'm all by myself problems after problems I didn't have no control over , but I wish I did.

I couldn't dwell on shit right now while my sister in the hospital fighting for her life.

I grab my purse stepping out the car.

I walk in the lobby seeing My ma,Taylin, Tyriq , and some of my family. but my eyes laid on one person.

Ace walk up to me "I got you"

"Thank you Ace" I said lowly hugging him

We both sat next to each other with his arm wrapped around me comforting me.

I appreciate everything he was doing to make me feel okay.

My heart was so broken for my sister because she didn't deserve this

"Where Rylee Ace?"

"She at Taylin mama house"

Im glad my niece is fine. All I was hoping to hear was good news next.

The doctor walk in with a blank expression on his face that I couldn't comprehend

"How my baby ? she okay right?" My mama stood up with tears running down her face

"I'm sorry but she didn't make it apparently she passed on the scene. We tried to revive her three times but she was still unresponsive."

Everybody burst into tears but me .. I couldn't even cry.

It was like my body wouldn't let me react to the news of my sister passing.

"Ace can you take me somewhere I don't want to be here"

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