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Braelyn Mariah Harden💕

Today I was going to talk to my mother in law I need a bit more of a guidance it's like I don't know where I'm going

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Today I was going to talk to my mother in law I need a bit more of a guidance it's like I don't know where I'm going.

I feel like I'm living life with no purpose. Every since Kyrie left me and our baby.

I've been feeling empty I've been trying to force myself to be happy but nothing working.

I look at the roses Ace gave me sitting on the dresser. I took one out and smelled it then I heard a knock at the door.


"I'm bout to leave the house Aubree bought a pizza it's in there on the stove"

"Okay" I said hearing him walking away from the door.

Me and Ace were kind of distance with each other. It's like I want to open up to him but I don't want him to think I want him a relationship way.

It's like my heart refuse to let me open up.

That's a story for another day I guess.

I need to get ready to go anyway...

I walk in Ms.Teressa house closing the door behind me.

"Hey baby Come in here with me"

I saw her sitting in the living room looking like she was reading some notes.

"Hey Ma how you been" I gave her a hug

"You know actually I've been good I mean of course I miss my son but I finally accepted that my son is at peace."

"I'm glad you are doing fine Ms.Harden"

"How you been Braelyn?" She sat her notes down

"Im not okay.. I don't know how to accept the fact Kyrie gone you know"

"Listen Baby in order for my son to rest you have to let him go I know you probably thinking what the hell im talking about. My mama always told me in order for a love one to rest you have to let them go"

"You are 18 you have your whole life ahead of you. Kyrie is forever with you but I know he want you you to live your life. Everything going to be fine and if you do move on I'll forever love you the same you still my daughter at the end of the day."

" I need you to pick your head up it's time for you to get yourself together and stop holding yourself back you got this Braelyn. I understand you will have your days but you got to be strong and move on with your life baby"

I really started thinking about what she was saying I mean it's true tho but it's going to be hard for me to open up for another chance at love.

"I'm going to try my best Ma"

"I promise you got it and I'm here if you need to talk about anything"

"Thank you Ms.Harden" we hugged each other one more time before me leaving out.

The talk with her uplift my spirit I felt better but I'm still taking things one step at a time.

I pulled in Aubree driveway I just sat there it ain't hit me til now that Kyrie was gone for good. I place my hands on my face crying.

"Damn Kyrie why you leave me"

I heard a knock on my window. I tried to straighten my face up a bit rolling down the window.

"You gon let me in Braelyn"

I shrugged unlocking the door for Ace

"You good Brae?" Ace said looking at me with a confused expression on his face

I shook my head he took his thumb wiping my tear.

"Man Braelyn I don't understand head nods or shrugs talk to me that's why I'm here" he lifted my chin up facing him

I gather myself together before speaking.

"I'm lost I'm trying to accept the person I'm inlove with gone and top of that losing a baby. I don't know what to do it's like I hope for the best but I got to be prepare for the worst I'm trying to keep being strong but I can't"

"You can Braelyn let's switch seat real quick"

We got out the car to switch I sat in the passenger letting him drive my car

"Where we going Ace"

"Just chill Ight?"

I nodded letting him drive. the place he was going look so familiar and it was the cemetery where Kyrie at

"This the right place?" He look at me

"Yeah" I said wiping my face

He pulled in the place I told him where to stop the car at. I got out the car taking a deep breath.

"I'll give you your space" Ace said leaning on the car watching me walk to the gravesite

I look at his gravesite bending down tears just filled my eyes.

"Kyrie I miss you more than words can explain. For now on Ima try to be strong for you. I want to make you proud. No matter what I do in life I will never forget you."

Next thing you know I felt little droplets of rain coming down. I don't know why but the rain made me feel even more emotional. It makes me think of the day he left me.

I just felt my breath getting heavy before you knew it I was back crying. Ace walk up to me bending down next to me he place his arm around me.

Before you know it we sat on the grass side by side. He held me in his arms consoling my cries out loud. I felt safe at last.

"Thank you for bringing me here Ace"

"You good"

"You ready?"

I look at Kyrie grave one more time before standing up.

"Yeah" I said lowly

It felt a little awkward because we was so close to each other Idk how to explain.

It's like we go back to strangers when shit like this happen.

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