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Aya Seriyah Hill💕

"Come on Rylee" I whisper grabbing her little hands

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"Come on Rylee" I whisper grabbing her little hands

"Mama I'm scared" she look up at me with fear in her eyes

"Shhh I promise I won't let nothing happen to you baby Okay?" I bend down to her height holding her face

"yes mommy"

I kiss her forehead hoping Jayron wasn't home while I bring my
daughter inside his home

I pick up Rylee to avoid loud noises coming up the steps to the back patio

The door was already crack meaning he wasn't here but I had to be quick his workers was downstairs

"Sir right here I'm going to be quick and here is my phone all you have to
do is go to auntie contact ok?"

She nodded her head

I went to the closet grabbing as many clothes as I could placing them in my bag but I notice some of my clothes were missing

"Wait" I ranned to the bedroom area seeing some of my clothes ruined with the smell of bleach on them

I couldn't help but cry if it wasn't one thing it's another

"Mama you ok ?" Rylee kneeled down beside me

"Yes mama almost done stay here"

Footsteps were coming towards the door making my heart drop to my stomach

"Yooo Jayron you still here" he walk in

It was Tyriq the boy who helped me

"Hey Um I'm just getting my bag I'm bout to leave just don't mess with my daughter please!" I ramble

"Woah you good chill shawty" he said closing the door behind him

"You need help with anything while you at it"

"I'm good I got everything but I do have a question" I pick my bag up

"The floor is yours"

"Have Jayron been seeing anyone since I left"

"I ain't gon lie to ya it's been a few girls sleeping around in here with him but I know one thing don't bring your daughter around here you know it ain't safe man"

"I know I was just in a hurry just don't tell him I've been here that's all"

"You know I got you and these your clothes right here" he kick the clothes with bleach on em

I just nodded my head , I felt Rylee hiding behind my legs gently holding my hand

"Here" he pulled out a stack of money

"Now get up out of here before he walk in and that's less than 10

I pick up Rylee grabbing my bag and there was Jayron opening the door
with some bitch on his arm

"GO AYA DAMN" Tyriq yelled

I pick up Rylee dropping my bag on the floor taking off to the back patio door

my main focus was making it to the car with my daughter

"Rylee do you still have my phone?"

"No mommy I'm sorry"

"Fuckkk..." I mumbled

TyRiq Deshawn Whitley

"Fuck she doing here and why you in
my shit"

"Man nigga ain't nobody stun yo jank
ass I was helping shawty out"

"I feel some funny shit goin on and
I promise I got this bitch on me" he clutch his gun

"I promise I got mine on me what you
tryna do"

we walk up to each other pointing our Glizzy at each other heads

"Oh my god jay stop!" The girl said pulling his arm

He let off a shot going pass my ear

"That's what I thought pussy you need me out of every nigga down there working for you" I spat

"Fuck up outta here ima make sure you next after I get Aya"

"Play pussy get Fuck"

"Oh you trying to get a piece of that huh you won't last a day if you tried"

"I already got it , Fuck with her if you want" I walk off putting my glizzy back on my hip

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