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Braelyn Mariah Harden💗

"Braelynnn hello?" My ma said snapping her fingers in my face

I was having sex flashback sadly , it's just been so longgggg

"My bad ma I was thinking about some but have you heard from Aya"

"Yeah she told me she will be home tomorrow for thanksgiving that's all I heard from her"

"Wait Rylee with her right?"

"I'm guessing Braelyn I don't know I can't worry bout that right now"

"Girl .. see let me leave cause you ain't even have to do allat"

I had to do this girl lashes anyway..

Surprisingly when I walk in the shop I saw Aubree sweeping up hair off the floor

"Hey bitch!" I hurried over her to hug her

"Hey babymama" she hug me back smiling

"I'm glad you smiling how dre doing"

"He still not responding yet" she said lowly I can tell it was bothering her

"Aww Aubree I promise it's going to get better baby just be patient"

"I'm trying my best to hold it together I go see him from sun up til sun down even when I get off work I see him first. What makes it worse not only he in there but my brother it's just a lot."

"Listen I got your brother go be by Dre side don't take on too much stress."

"Thank you Braelyn I'm bout to lock you in call me when you leave out of here."

"Gotcha my client coming in now"

Ace Ezekiel Morgan

"Where tf you going?" I look at Yasmin seeing her dress up half naked

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"Where tf you going?" I look at Yasmin seeing her dress up half naked

"Boy you know where I'm going don't act dumb" she frowned her face up

I don't know why I cuffed a stripper don't get me wrong shawty was straight but nun close to Braelyn

"Why you stripping knowing I got enough money you don't even have to dance nomo."

"So you what you trying to tell me to stop assum?"

No shit bitch... 🙄

"Let tonight be ya last night I let it slide these past few months but you ain't with a broke nigga nomore so you can cut that bullshit out."

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