Aya Seriyah Hill
I felt nauseous in this filthy basement they put me in
My legs and hands were tied up and duck tape wrap across my mouth.
All I could think about Rylee losing me and the baby growing in my stomach
The wooden door open and it was the dude that been checking on me from time to time
"You hungry?"
I shook my head I didn't want shit from these people
"hold on let me take this off of you" he untied my hands and legs
"Alright on the count to three im bout to take it off"
I nodded my head giving him the okay
"1...2...3" he snatch the tape off
I felt a wince of sharp pain on my lip
"Damn my bad" he chuckle
"Why are you being nice to me?"
"um you like noodles?" he change the subject
"I'm not eating no fucking noodles it would be nice if you can get me out of here"
"You think i'm that stupid?" he turned around to me looking serious
"I didn't say that but hey take it how you want"
"Well Well Well look who up and talking"
The ring leader came downstairs with his people behind him
I knew all of these mfs , they use to be at Jayron house from sun up to sun down
"Listen im trying to make it easy as possible give me the information I need then I let you go it's your choice" he stood lighting up a blunt
"What you need to know?"
"Ace location but it will be better if you tell me where Braelyn stay since she deal with him."
"leave my sister out of this please" I rolled my eyes
"Bitch where your sister live?" he got closer in my face
"Man get the fuck out of my face" I jerk my head back
"I see somebody enjoying they stay then ... but hold that thought"
The dude walk off grabbing a bag full of money in his hands
"It's one million in this bag that Jay had left over you take it and give me either Ace or Braelyn location or don't get the money at all , or be dead and nobody in the city will find out deal?"
"Ok Fine but hand me the money first" I stood up
The man drop the bag in the middle of the floor between us with my car keys inside
I pick up the bag putting it closer to my leg
"Get to talking we don't have all day"
I took a deep breath probably regretting what I was about to say
Ace Ezekiel Morgan"Brae wake up" I nudge her
"I'm up i'm up" she woke up rubbing her eyes
"My people bout to come over we having a meeting ion want Alaia and you to be around what I got going on."
"What about Adonis? Niya came to get him yet?"