Braelyn Mariah Harden🤍
I must admit I was so drained and tired from work I couldn't wait to get him and get in the bed.
I walk in the house tossing my purse and phone on the couch. I'm so glad I got my own place I can just strip naked but I wasn't doing shit until I got Ace stuff out my place.
I called his phone waiting for him to pick up
"Hello" it was a bitch voice of course nothing new
"Can I speak to Ace?" I said nicely keeping my composure
"Yeah hold up" I heard some moving in the background
"Can you come get your belongings out of my place you have til 12 if you don't come get them your clothes will be outside" I hung up
Me being so generous I went to my closet grabbing some boxes and folded his clothes placing them in the boxes neatly.
I heard my phone go off from the living room I got up to answer it sseeing a unknown FaceTiming me
"Hello?" I was all in the camera looking a mess
"Pretty ass" he was all in the camera cheesing
"Why you all up in the camera back up sir"
"My name Jacye by the way I ain't think I mention that but you can all me JC"
"Yeah you didn't mention that but nice meeting you Jacye"
"So can I take you out to have brunch while I'm free tomorrow "
I heard a knock on my door already knowing who it is
"You got company huh?"
"Yeah I'll call you later"
"Bet" he hung up
I open the door seeing Ace and some random bitch at my door this the shit I be talking about! I'll never settled down with him
"Out of respect of my place can you not bring strangers"
He smack his lips telling the girl to go back to the car
"Thank you"
"Yea watever where my shit at" he walk in
"Yeah see nah what you not bout to do is keep disrespecting me! I have not yet caught a attitude with you so don't get out of line with me cause I'm not the fuck one!"
"Here you go always trying to fucking argue bra I'm just coming to get my shit and leave you doing all the extra for what"
"You know what stay yo ass in here I'll grab the boxes myself ion want you walking around my shit!" I walk to the back grabbing the boxes one by one
"Here last one" I dropped it on the floor
"Can't believe I really tried to settle down with somebody so fucking selfish and stupid" he spat out mugging me
I felt my blood pressure go up I just count to ten to keep me sane
"Ace get out" I said nicely
"Damn can you be patient you see it's more than one box on the ground"
I couldn't keep calm I had to do something I just start swinging on him
"BITCH I FUCKING HATE YOU" I felt tears coming out my eyes
"BRA BRAELYN GET OFF ME" he pushed me so hard to the wall
I ranned to the kitchen grabbing a knife throwing it at him hoping it got him but it didn't he dodge it