#6 Day 1 of the Grounding

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"Hey!" exclaimed the person Zee had bumped into. "Watch where you're going!" Zee noticed that it was Rowen, the last person she wanted to see, much less bump into today. "Sorry, but you don't have to sound so bossy and rude." Zee grumbled. She got to her feet, and so did Rowen. "Anyway, where is Richard? You should know since he's constantly with you," she said. 

Rowen rolled her eyes. "I thought you'd know by now. He's gonna be a little late to school." Zee exhaled a sigh of relief mentally and asked, "Why?" Before Rowen could answer, someone said, "Hey, guys!" behind her. Zee jumped and almost fell if the person behind her hadn't caught her. And that person was (obviously) none other than Richard himself. 

"Rich! There you are! I thought you've gone missing or something bad happened to you!" Zee exclaimed. "Sorry for making you all worry. Traffic's an annoyance." Richard said. "You didn't make us worry." said George, gesturing to him and Zuzy, who was leaning on to him for support since she just jogged with a sprained ankle. She looked as though she was about to cry of pain but she pursed her lips into a pout so she could look 'tough'.

"Anyway, this is just really awkward, so I'm gonna go." Rowen said and walked away from them. The four watched her go. "What's up with her? All of a sudden she's so rude," Zee said, concerned. "I don't know. Mood swing, I suppose. She's not normally like this." Richard said. "And what happened to Zuzy? She's pouting while looking as though she's in pain." "She sprained her ankle yesterday and jogged today for the 'Search for Richard White'." George explained. Richard didn't look surprised. He knew it was a very 'Zuzy-like' thing to expect of her. 

"Anyway, I'll help to walk her to class. You go to your class with Zee." George said. Zuzy seemed to blush but didn't say anything, most likely because the pain is shutting her up. Otherwise she would be chattering non-stop.

After that, George, Zuzy, Zee and Richard left for class, George with Zuzy and Zee with Richard.


~After school~

"Wanna hang out later?" Richard asked the twins and George. "I'll be free later, Penny will be hanging out with her friends too." Then Richard looked at the twins. "What about you two?" he asked them. The girls looked pretty sheepish. 

"Well, we're grounded by Zizzy. We can't hang out with you two after school this whole week." Zuzy admitted. "Oh. If that's the case, we'll have to make the most of our time together when we could hang out with you guys for this week." George said. "Yeah..." Zee said. "Well, see you two tomorrow then!" Zuzy said. "See ya!" Richard and George said in sync.


"I'M SO BORED!" yelled Zee. "One day down and I'm already wishing for the grounding to end!" "I know how bored you are. It's written all over your face. You're always bored without that one particular bunny around you. If he's here, then BOOM!, all the boredom just magically disappears." Zuzy said sarcastically. Zee glared at Zuzy. "What? I'm stating a fact." Zuzy simply said. "A fact that isn't even TRUE. Well, how are you not bored? You don't miss the boys or what?" Zee asked. "I found something to do. I suggest you should to." Zuzy said. She was randomly doodling on a piece of paper. "Yeah, okay. I'll find something to do." Zee said.

Zee thought of what to do. Then she had an idea. 

She took one of her old notebooks that she never completed. It was full of her old ugly doodles that she drew when she was younger. But she had enough pages to do what she wanted to do. She started writing.


"Zee, what are you doing?" Zuzy said. Zee snickered. "Read this." she told Zuzy and handed her what she had written for the past fifteen minutes. Zuzy read through it and her eyes widened. 

This is what Zee wrote:

Zuzy is my sister and she's a simp. Her favorite food is ketchup grass and she has an addiction to George David Piggy, who is one of our best friends. She loves to spit false information and act high and mighty about it. I have never seen a simp like this before. This is so unique. So all I can say is, ZUZY IS A SIMP. I have a simp for a sister.

"How dare you."

"Pardon me?" Zee asked cheekily, while dying of laughter on the inside.

"HOW DARE YOU." Zuzy repeated, but louder this time. "I dare." Zee said simply. "When I said 'find something to do', I did NOT expect this essay to be the outcome." Zuzy said. "But you may be right about the addiction part..." "Got 'em." Zee smirked. 

"ZEE! ZUZY! DINNER!" Pony called from downstairs. "Coming!" they shouted back. Then they went down for dinner.


Sorry for the late chapter, I was really busy on YT vids and kept getting distracted by Roblox (especially Piggy). But I hope you liked the chapter anyway. I'll try to make the next update sooner :)

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