#2 A New Student

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The next day, the twins almost woke up late for school. After all the chit-chat from last night about Zee's feelings for Richard, they lost a valuable half an hour of sleep. So, they weren't very enthusiastic about waking up, especially Zuzy, who hated waking up early. 

"Ugh, I really just want to go back to bed," groaned Zuzy grumpily. "It's a school day, Zuzy. Besides, you shouldn't have been talking to Zee for so long last night." Zizzy said. "If that ever happens again, I'm not gonna give you grass for a day." "Seriously?! Fine." Zuzy grumbled. Behind Zizzy, Pony chuckled softly.

Zee, on the other hand, wasn't as grumpy as her twin. But she still felt sleep-deprived. "Morning, Pony." she mumbled. "Morning, Zee. Why are you so sleepy this morning?" Pony asked her. "Um, just discussing a private matter with Zuzy last night. She asked me about it so I told her." replied Zee. "I see," Pony said. "Does it have to do with feelings, huh?" he added.

"What?! No!" Zee exclaimed loudly. But judging from her expression and the slight blush on her face, he could tell she was lying. However, he didn't question her further. 

Zee looked at the clock on the wall. "I guess we should get going. C'mon, Zuzy!" she shouted while running out the door. "Alright, alright, wait up!" Zuzy shouted back, dashing after her sister.


They arrived and saw the boys waiting at the school entrance. Zee's heart did a small tap dance when she saw Richard. That always happened when she saw him and she couldn't stop it.

"Hello, girls, you're apparently ten minutes late," said George. "We know that. We woke up later than usual today." Zuzy said. "How come?" asked Richard. "Oh, I don't know, maybe because of some discussion from last night..." Zuzy said, raising her eyebrows at Zee. Zee looked at her, and her eyes seemed to be telling her, Don't you dare tell the boys what we discussed about last night or I'm gonna kill you.

"About what? Did the topic get so interesting until it made you guys stay up all night chatting about it?" Richard asked. Before Zuzy could spill the beans, Zee quickly blurted out, "We were discussing about how wonderful grass would taste with...ketchup!" George and Richard looked puzzled. Then George's expression changed from puzzled to disgusted. "Just the thought of that makes me want to throw up. Thanks for disgusting me with your ketchup grass, Zee!" he said, making the others laugh.

"Stop being such a drama king, George. It's not like we're asking you and Richard to try free ketchup grass samples." Zuzy said. "Anyways, let's get in to the school before we get detention." Richard said. "Yup, that's the last thing I need for today." said Zee. Then the four of them walked into the school building together.


All four of them were in the middle of Science class when the intercom (is it called an intercom in the school?) said, "Richard White, please come to the principal's office immediately." Zee, who was sitting next to Richard, looked at him. "What? I didn't do anything to get me in trouble today. Anyways, I'm gonna go." he said. He got up and left the classroom.

"I wonder why Richard has to go to the principal's office if he didn't do anything wrong. That's weird..." Zee thought. 


It was lunch. As Zee looked around for Richard, she noticed him walking into the cafeteria with...another girl?! He seemed to be gesturing towards the place as though he was showing her how amazing the place was. Zee walked towards them.

"Hey, Richard! Who's this?" she asked, pointing to the girl, who was a robin. "She's a new student. I was called to the principal's office to show her around the school." The robin looked at Zee and smiled. "Hello, I'm Rowen. I hope we could be friends!" she said cheerfully.


Hey, everyone, I'm sorry for this short, cringe-worthy chapter. I have online school and I'm still brainstorming on new ideas. And yes, I've made a fan-made character here. Hope you enjoyed this new chapter!

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