#15 Remorse

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"What do you want now, huh?! You're here to hurt me again?!" Zee exclaimed angrily as she noticed Rowen. Richard had noticed her too and regarded her with an angry expression. 

George and Zuzy looked between the notorious robin and Zee and Richard warily. The last thing they needed was a full-fledged fight in a public place like this. Before they could butt in to separate the two sides, Rowen spoke up. 

"No. I'm not here to hurt you." Rowen protested firmly. "I think I owe you an apology,"

Zee couldn't believe her ears. What? Rowen is apologizing to her? She's got to be kidding. 

"Oh, really? For all I know, you could be here pulling my leg and secretly not being sorry at all! Why should I trust you, knowing you could just lie to me, stir up trouble and throw me under the bus again just to get to someone who doesn't reciprocate your feelings!" exclaimed Zee, angrily. 

Richard glared at Rowen. "I agree with her. Why should we believe you when you've been lying most of the time? I don't see why we should believe you're feeling remorseful." he said flatly. 

"Look. I'm sorry, alright?! I know I've been lying all this time for my own selfish reasons. But, please, I'm genuinely sorry. I swear I'll leave you alone with Richard. I swear I'll not lay a finger on Zee. And I swear I won't interrupt whatever is going on between you two." Rowen said, her voice full of desperation. 

The four of them kept silent for a while. Zee locked eyes with Richard and they came to a silent agreement; they shouldn't keep a grudge on Rowen forever, it wouldn't make either of them stronger and they would be inflicting as much misery on Rowen as she had done to Zee beforehand.

"There's only one way to make us believe you." Zee said. 

"What is it?! Tell me! I'd even die for both of you for forgiveness." Rowen said. Zuzy and George looked at her strangely, but she looked serious about that.

"Stop going over the top. If you are to earn our forgiveness and trust, keep to what you swore to us." Richard told her. 

Rowen nodded almost immediately. "Alright. Thank you, for giving me a chance." she said. Then, she left. 

"Richard, Zee, do you think that was really a good idea? Who knows, she might abuse your trust again." George said. 

"Yeah, and, who know if she's really gonna keep to her word?" asked Zuzy.

"That's for us to find out, sister." Zee said. "C'mon, let's go home now," 

Nobody disagreed with her. They all went home together.

(A/N: See, told ya'll the next update would be quick-

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter all the same ^^) 

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