#8 Zee Ignores Richard

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Zee walked outside the school gate, still processing what Rowen had said earlier. She had been known as one of the most well-behaved students in the school, and she didn't want to be known as a mischievous troublemaker. But she can't believe she had to ignore Richard and stay away from him as though he had the plague.

"Hey, Zee! What took you so long?" Richard called out. Zee kept quiet and didn't respond. "Uh, Zee...?" Richard asked. Still no reply. "I get that you're an introvert and all, Zee, but ignoring Richard, who had been our friend since we were 9? Seriously?" George said. "Forget it. Let's just go home." Zee said quietly. Zuzy, George and Richard shrugged their shoulders and then proceeded to walking home together.


When the twins arrived home, Pony was waiting for them. "Hey, girls, how was your day with the guys? And how do you feel about finally being free from Zizzy's grounding?" he asked them. "It's great to have our grounding over, but Zee's been acting a little...off," Zuzy said. "What do you mean 'off'?" Zizzy asked, walking towards them. Zee didn't reply. Zizzy raised her eyebrow.

"I think we should let them both in first," Pony said. He then allowed the twins to enter the living room. The twins took a seat on a couch. 

"Do I really have to be interrogated about such a small matter?" Zee groaned. "Yes." Zizzy said. 

"Look, it's not a big deal. Seriously, I'm fine." Zee said. Then, she got up and went upstairs to her room, without another word, leaving Pony, Zizzy and Zuzy speechless.

"Jeez, what's up with her today?" Zuzy muttered to herself.


Meanwhile, with Richard, he came home feeling gloomy. Bunny, his sister, noticed his sad expression. "Hey, Rich, how are you home so early? You said you wanted to hang out with your gang after school." She said. "Well, it's no fun doing so if Zee doesn't wanna talk to me." Richard said, a tone of sadness in his voice.

"Zee doesn't want to talk to you? What happened between her and you? Did you hurt her in some way?" Bunny asked her little brother.

"I don't even know. She was perfectly fine all day, but after school, she went to the bathroom and when she came back, she acted all gloomy and just ignored me as though I didn't exist at all," Richard said. "I wonder what I did wrong..."

Bunny placed a hand on his shoulder. "You should try to sort it out with her tomorrow. Once you've figured it out, and solved the problem, then voìla, all's well again!" Bunny advised. Richard managed a fainy smile. "Th-Thanks for the advise, Bunny. Hopefully things work out between us tomorrow." Richard said.

"I'm positive it would." Bunny said as she hugged Richard. He reciprocated, feeling glad he had a sister like Bunny.


The next day, Richard, as usual, arrived at school early. Since he was early, not many students were there yet, not even George. The twins usually come at least 10-15 minutes before classes commence.

Richard leant on a wall in a corridor and stared into space. He continuously did that until a familiar brownish robin started walking towards him.

"Hey, Richard,"

Richard then snapped back to reality when he heard Rowen's voice. He turned to face her.

"O-Oh, um, hi, Rowen." He greeted her. "What do you need?" "Your hair looks nice today," Rowen said, attempting to flirt. However, Richard failed to notice it.

Richard ran his fingers through his hair. It sure felt the same. "Um...I always have this hairstyle. It's not any different," Richard said, confused. Rowen looked embarrassed, but quickly covered it up.

"Well, you have, uh...nice eyes." Rowen said. Richard was getting more confused by the minute.

"Thanks, but only now you've noticed my eye color? Didn't we hang out for a week?" Richard asked. Now Rowen felt like she was gonna drown in a sea of embarrassment. But the arrival of George quickly broke the awkwardness. "Hello!" George said. "Oh, hey, George!" Richard said.

"Look who came early with me today." George said as he gestured behind him. Behind him, was none other than the twins. Zuzy grinned, whereas Zee just avoided eye contact with Richard.

"We couldn't sleep, so we decided to come here early," Zuzy said. Richard then said, "Not bad, for you two. Zee, can I-"

"Hey, Zee, can I talk to you for a moment?" Rowen asked, cutting into Richard's sentence. "Mhm." Zee mumbled in reply.

"Good." Rowen said. Then she clutched Zee's hand and dragged her away from Richard, George and Zuzy.

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