#13 Caught Red-Handed

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The first step to her plan was to stalk. 

Sounds silly, am I right? But not for Zee. She didn't think it was stupid, so she stuck to it. 

She observed Rowen and Richard everyday. Apparently, Rowen arrived first and waited at one side of the school gate for Richard. Soon enough, Richard would appear, meet up with her and enter the school with her. Just watching them do the same thing everyday made it seem like they were a couple, and the thought of that made her blood boil.

Zee had completely formed the plan. She hoped it would work. That little gnat Rowen deserved revenge. A kick in the shin, a punch in her ugly face or even ripping her wings out would've been equally great, but this might be better than going physical. 

Triumphantly, Zee chuckled, "Good luck getting out of this one." 


Zee woke up early and arrived at school early. She didn't bother waking Zuzy up, so she was the only one there. She went to Rowen's everyday waiting spot and waited. 

After a while, a familiar girl appeared. Of course, it was the one and only Rowen. 

"Oi! What are you doing here?!" Rowen shrieked as soon as she saw Zee. "That's my spot, you know!" 

Zee stuck out her tongue at the robin. "Oh, really? Then why doesn't this place say 'This is the property of Rowen, strictly do not touch'?" she asked sarcastically. Rowen knew it was sarcasm, but it still annoyed her.

"What the heck do you want?" Rowen demanded. "You're here for something, aren't you?" 

"Yeah. How smart." Zee said, turning to face her directly. "I'm here to ask; why are you bullying me?" 

Rowen was taken aback by the question. "Tsk. Why do I have to tell you? It's none of your business." she said. "Of course it's my business, idiot. I'm your constant target. If you were a regular bully, I wouldn't care at all. But you seem to be targeting me and only me. Now, I ask, why?!" Zee demanded, her hands on her hips. 

Rowen looked around, as though looking for eavesdroppers. Once she saw sure no one was around, she turned back to face Zee. "Okay. YOU keep stealing Richard from ME." she said simply.

"Excuse me, what the heck are you talking about right now?!" Zee exclaimed, surprised. "Don't pretend you don't know. You're constantly taking him away from me!" Rowen snapped. "You're saying that as though you're his girlfriend. You're not in any relationship in him, so why bother?" Zee said angrily. 

"I know! But I like him, and I don't want you messing things up and not letting him have a chance with me!" Rowen exclaimed. "You know why I told you to stay away from him? Because I wanted to prevent all your interactions! You know why I kept the plan up and kept asking you whether you stayed true to what you said? I was waiting for you to snap and lengthen our little meet-up session so Richard can come over, check what's happening and witness your 'self-defense' as bullying!" 

Before Zee had time to process that, Rowen slapped her. "I hate you," she said. 

"I hate you too." a voice said from behind her. 

Richard had saved the day. 

(A/N: BOOM! Rowen's gonna get what she deserves!

Also, sorry for not updating in a while, I got distracted by other stuff ^^'
But, I hope you still liked this chapter, even though it's short-)

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