#14 Resolution

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"Richard! Oh, hey, uh...I was just chatting with Zee. You've got the wrong idea!" Rowen exclaimed nervously as she noticed Richard.

Richard scowled at her. "Oh, really? So you consider slapping her as 'chatting'?" he said, his voice full of contempt. "And I've overheard everything you said about your little 'plan' to make Zee's life miserable. Turns out she was innocent. Turns out you were an obsessive brat all along!" 

Rowen stayed silent. She knew she couldn't get herself out of this one. 

Richard walked over to Zee. "C'mon, Zee, let's go." he said, leading her into the school. Zee followed without any hesitation. 

As soon as they entered the building, Richard turned to face Zee. He looked remorseful. "Zee..." he started, quietly. "I'm so sorry for assuming you were trying to hurt Rowen out of spite. I was...just blinded at that time by my own anger and just jumped to conclusions." Zee took a while to process what he had said. Slowly, after that, she smiled wryly.

"It's okay. You didn't, and wouldn't know. I'm just glad you finally found out the truth. If I told you or anyone else, no one would believe me." said Zee. "Yeah, but it was still wrong of me to just assume like that! I've made you miserable! Besides-" Richard started protesting, but Zee stepped forward and gave him a peck on the cheek to shut the rabbit up. She didn't know where she got the courage, but it was a matter of time she'd show her feelings a tad bit.

The little peck on the cheek had worked effectively. Richard did shut up. His face was a bright red.

"Your apology's accepted, Rich. See you in class." Zee said, then turned to leave for class, leaving Richard in a mess of embarrassment. His mind was completely bamboozled, and he thought he couldn't get it to function anymore. Fortunately, the school bell rang and snapped him out of his trance. He hurried off to class.


Things turned out to be much better for Zee after that day.

Richard had reported what Rowen had done to Principal Kite, and now she had a two-hour detention after school. That was definitely more than enough to brighten Zee's day. 

She also shared what happened with George and Zuzy, as she never told them anything before regarding this. The both of them gasped a lot during the 'saddening' parts of the story, and became extremely excited when she described the part when Richard had 'saved the day'. George and Zuzy seemed to be like little kids listening to a fairy tale throughout the story.

"At least everything was solved in the end." George commented as soon as Zee was done. "Yeah. And did Richard apologize?" asked Zuzy. "Yup. He sure did." Zee replied. 

"Did you two make out after that?" Zuzy teased, with raised eyebrows. "Sheesh, Zuzy. Of course not. But, to be honest, I did give him a little kiss on the cheek-" Zee admitted. 

Zuzy cheered. "Ha! The first move has been done!" she exclaimed. Zee scowled at her twin. Then it became a smirk. "What about yours with George?" she asked. "You not gonna expose it to Georgie-poo?" 

Zuzy pouted, blush obvious on her face. Georgie was equally flustered. "ZEE!" Zuzy shouted. Zee rolled her eyes. "You'd better show it soon. Better late than never," said Zee nonchalantly.


George, Zee, Zuzy and Richard hung out as usual after school at the park together. It was calm, sunny day, the sky was brilliant blue and the foliage around them glowed in the gentle sunshine. 

Zee did not expect any thing 'interesting' to happen on that day, but something did happen.

Rowen had shown up.

A/N: I've updated again! Also, I'm sorry for another cliffhanger qwq- But don't you guys worry, I'll update sooner :D

Anyway, I hope this chapter was worth waiting for! And, have a great day/night <3

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