#10 Can Things Get Any Worse...?

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Zee stared at the rabbit in shock. "Wh-What are you doing here...?!" she stammered. Richard's shock turned into outrage. "Zee, what the heck?! Why are you hurting her?! She didn't do anything to you and yet, here you are, treating her like a punching bag!" Richard exclaimed. 

"Rich, I can explain-" 

"Explain what?! The fact that you absolutely enjoy hurting her because you think I don't give you enough attention?!" Richard shouted. He then took a deep breath and calmed down a little. Then he looked at Zee with an angry light in his eyes.

"This isn't what I expected of you, Zee. First, you avoided me and didn't bother talking to me at all, and now, you hurt another one of my friends. The Zee I knew doesn't do such," he said, restraining anger. "Don't bother talking me again." 

Then he helped Rowen up and accompanied her to the nurse's office. Before they left, for a fraction of a second, Zee saw Rowen smirk. Then the pair left.

Zee stood there, completely crestfallen. She could've screamed. She could've cried. She could've kidnapped Richard, try to reverse time and show him what truly happened. But it was hopeless, completely hopeless. Richard didn't want to be friends with her anymore.


It was the end of school. Zee was absolutely miserable. She packed her things and was about to leave the classroom when the intercom said, "Zee Koheba, please report to the principal's office," 

(Don't mind me using 'Koheba' as a last name. I really didn't know what to make as a last name so I went to G. Translate and got this. Maori for zebra.)

Zee stopped for a moment in the doorway. "What does the principal need...?" she said, thinking out loud. Then, without hesitation, she walked out of the classroom and towards the principal's office. She  then knocked the door. 

"Come in,"

Zee stepped in and was now facing the school principal, Principal Kite (the bird of prey).  He had a stern expression on his face. 

"Y-Yes, Principal Kite?" Zee stuttered, facing the principal. 

"I've heard you have hurt a fellow classmate for no reason. You do know that's counted as bullying, right?" Principal Kite said, in a soft but stern tone. 

"Y-Yes..." Zee said. "But-"

"Well, then you know the consequences. You're having detention for an hour. This kind of behaviour shall not be tolerated." the principal said. 

"But, sir, I-" 

"No explanations. Off to your detention NOW." Principal Kite said. "I'm surprised at you, Zee. I never thought you could do such a thing." 

Zee hung her head in shame. Then she left the office and to the detention classroom. Tears welled up in her eyes. If only she could explain what really happened...


Detention was finally over. Zee could finally go home. However, she wasn't really looking forward to it. Zizzy would be really disappointed in her...

She sighed. She then packed her things and left for home. 


So sorry for not updating! School was in the way-

But I hope you still enjoyed this chapter!

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