#7 The Grudge

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Zee and Zuzy were constantly excited to go to school that week. It was unusual, especially for Zuzy, who disliked school and didn't enjoy learning, Math and whatnot. Zizzy and Pony observed their behavior every morning, and instead of being sleepy and grumpy, they were as active and they looked as though they just had some sugar. They always rushed out the door immediately after breakfast. Zizzy figured her sisters probably wanted to meet the boys desperately after a long evening without hanging out with them. Pony, on the other hand, figured the twins constantly wanted to be with the boys as fast as possible so they can get their 'relationship' going.

Since Zee and Zuzy always rushed to school, they always ended up being the first ones to claim Richard and George. That also meant Rowen didn't have a chance to hang out with Richard, and she thought he had some sort of bias towards Zee. Her jealousy grew slowly but she did not show it. She started crushing on the rabbit, but didn't show it yet. But Zee in the way was making things just too complicated, so she had to devise a plan to get that meddling zebra out of her way and then she could be with Richard White.


It was Friday, the day when Zizzy's grounding ends. Zee and Zuzy were extremely overjoyed. "So, Zee, Zuzy, you can finally hang out with us after school?" George asked them.

"Yep! We definitely could!" Zee said happily. "I'm so glad our grounding is over!" Zuzy cheered. 

"I didn't think you two could survive a week of grounding like that, but hey, you nailed it!" Richard said. 

"I didn't think I would, either," Zee admitted. "Admit it, Zee, you enjoy being around us dudes, especially your soon-to-be boyfriend Richard." George teased her.

"Hey! Don't get me started on this topic!" Zee retorted, a tint of red across her face. Richard had a tint of red on his face too, but it quickly disappeared as he glared at the smirking pig. "Of all moments, you pick now to mention your 'ship' thing?!" he exclaimed. 

"Hey, I can't keep it to myself." George said, rolling his eyes, while Zuzy snickered in the background. "Guys, I need to use the bathroom," Zee said. "Okay, sis, we'll meet ya outside the school gate!" Zuzy said. Then Zee walked towards the direction of the bathroom while the others went outside. 


Zee was about the walk out of the bathroom until Rowen stopped her. "Hey," she said. "Um...hey?" Zee replied, unsure. Rowen walked closer to her, wings spread a little. Zee took a step back. "What do you want?" Zee asked. "You know what you did." Rowen said.

"Wait...what did I do?" Zee asked, confused. "Stop acting foolish. You just keep stealing Richard away from me." Rowen said, an angry tone in her voice. "Because of that, he probably has some kind of bias towards you."

"Stealing?! Bias?! We're only friends! What the heck are you talking about?!" Zee exclaimed, shocked. "Shut up, just shut up. Stop playing innocent," Rowen snarled at her. "If you continue stealing him away from me and constantly hanging around him I swear I will ruin your reputation," 

Zee looked at Rowen's face, trying to detect whether or not she was serious. But she looked dead serious about what she just said. There was no point in retorting. She didn't want her reputation ruined. 

"Fine." Zee said. "I'll do it, okay?" 


Zee then walked out, leaving the robin alone in the bathroom. She couldn't believe what she had agreed to. But she had to do it.

Meant to Be (Richard x Zee)Where stories live. Discover now