#4 At the Park

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George, Zuzy and Zee had just arrived at the park. However, they had no clue what to do. "So, uh, what do we do now?" Zee asked. "Dunno. Maybe just...hang around or something?" George suggested. "Wow, such an interesting idea. Let's go hang upside down on the trees or something." Zuzy said. "You didn't have to be so sarcastic, y'know." Zee said while elbowing her twin. 

"Hey, wait, maybe I should try hanging from the trees. It sounds fun!" Zuzy said. Then she sped off before either George or Zuzy could do anything. "Hey! It's dangerous doing that! You could hurt yourself!" George shouted as he dashed off after her. But he knew it was no use as Zuzy was always the type that doesn't usually be obedient. He continued running after her, hoping he could catch her before she could start doing parkour on the trees.

Meanwhile, Zee was just standing by herself at the park entrance. She just figured she should walk around and admire the sights for a bit. She slowly walked around while gazing at everything she could see: the trees, some other people hanging around the park and a rabbit and a robin who were hanging out somewhere on her left. Hold up, what was that last thing?

Zee looked at that direction. Just as she thought, it was Richard and Rowen. 

She dashed towards them. "Hi, guys! Fancy seeing you two here!" she said. "Hey, Zee!" both of them said. "What are you doing here?" Richard asked her. "Just hanging around, I guess?" Zee replied. "Same here. We were bored so we've decided to come here too." Rowen said. "Is George and Zuzy with you?" Richard asked. "Yep, but George has gone off to stop Zuzy from doing her little stunts on the trees." Zee said. "Her little shenanigans can get really annoying sometimes." 

Richard and Rowen chuckled. Then Richard asked Rowen, "Hey Rowen, would you mind if I could talk to Zee for a moment? Alone?" "Sure! Go ahead!" Rowen said, but it was fake. "Okay, come on, Zee," Richard said while he led her somewhere else. Rowen narrowed her eyes while staring at Zee jealously. 

Now, with Richard and Zee. Zee stared at Richard curiously, wondering why he wanted to have a talk with her alone. "Hey, Zee, I'm sorry for not hanging out with you much these days. I'm pretty sure you, Zuzy and George must feel pretty lonely without me. I'll try to divide my time so I could hang out with Rowen and you three equally." Richard said. "It's fine. Don't stress yourself out with this time-dividing thing you want to do. If you want to hang out with Rowen more, we understand." Zee said. She didn't want to force Richard to hang out with her and the other two. It was like forcing Zizzy to eat carrots everyday.

"I do want to hang out with you guys again so nope, I won't stress myself out." Richard said. Then both of them heard shouting and they both pricked up their ears. They turned towards that direction and what they saw almost made them die of laughter.

Zuzy was having a piggy-back ride from George, and she was covered in leaves, twigs and a few scratches and bruises, which clearly meant George had failed to catch up with her when she was running. Her right leg was limp. She looked like she had run through a tornado with leaves, twigs and rocks. On the other hand, George's hair was messy and he looked like he just came fresh from falling into a lake. He was clearly trying to run to them but he was moving at the speed of a running chicken. Zuzy was screaming, "Faster! Faster!" 

Finally, the pair reached Richard and Zee and both of them collapsed in a heap. "Woah! What happened to you guys?" Richard asked. "In a nutshell, I tried to climb a tree, fell down, bumped into George and made him fall into a lake, sprained my ankle and forced him to give me a piggy-back ride to find you guys." Zuzy replied. "And...it wasn't...fun...." George wheezed.

"I could tell just by looking at your face." Zee said. "I think we should get home, that's enough adventures for a day." "Agree." Everyone else said. "Hold on, I'm gonna go tell Rowen first." Richard said. "Go ahead." Zee said. The four of them left for their respective homes. But when Zuzy and Zee arrived home, they were greeted by an alarmed-looking Zizzy. Then Zizzy's face changed from alarmed to rage. "WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING?!"

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