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After showering, Vanessa slipped into a bathrobe before stepping out into the bedroom where she sees a box on the bed. She looked at her surroundings. It was quiet. He was nowhere to be found. She took the chance to examine the windows, hoping to find a way to escape. The windows were all bolted shut, the only exit being through the only door in the room. She tiptoed, down the hall still catching no sign of Lucas anywhere. Now was her chance. She starts walking towards the door, feeling her body hum in anticipation as she grabs onto the knob. But just as she managed to get the door open only an inch, it is slammed shut by a hand from behind her. She didn't dare turn around as he locked the door. She gasps when he turns her around, slamming her back against the door. His hands grip her shoulders roughly as he stares her down. She looked down, holding her hands against her chest in fear of what he might do. "Please" she whimpers softly, feeling her eyes fill with tears, though the last thing she wanted to do was cry. "Oh I'm not gonna hurt you" he says though his voice was stern and angry. He wipes a tear and she turns away not wanting to be touched by him. This clearly angers him more as he grabs her face roughly, forcing her to look at him, "Don't ever" he grabs her neck this time, even tighter causing her to cry out as she gripped his wrist, "Pull some shit like this again" he says through gritted teeth before letting her go. He grabs her arm and pulls her back to the room, locking her in. 

Hours went on and Vanessa sat on the bed, hugging her knees to her chest. She felt her stomach growl, wishing she had eaten more of the food Lucas had brought her this morning. She holds herself even tighter trying to ignore her pain. She fixes her eyes onto the box that had been sitting there since she got out of the shower, waiting to be open. She moves closer to the box and picks it up, noticing how light it was.  She removes the lid, finding a baby blue two piece lingerie inside. She scoffs at it as she lays it out on the bed. She looks in the box to see what other sleazy object Lucas wants her to wear and what she finds makes her stomach drop. A phone. She felt herself get lightheaded as she picked it up. She pressed the power button, but nothing happened. "What?" she mumbles as she examined it. She decides to remove the protective cover and as she does, she sees that the battery was gone. Just as she discovered this, Lucas unlocks the door, seeing her with the phone in her hand. She was done for. 

He chuckles as she entered the room with a bag, that she presumed was food. "See you finally decided to open my gift" he says placing the food on the bed next to her. She tried to seem unaffected by it but on the inside she couldn't bare the hunger much longer. "You must be hungry. I got you some dinner, you'll need your strength" he says sitting across from her. She was hesitant as she opened the bag, revealing a whole steak dinner. She gives him a weird look but eats it anyway making him chuckle. "What's with the phone?" she asks as she takes a big bite of the steak. "Like I said, it's a gift" She furrows her eyebrows at him, "Without a battery?" she asks. "Well I gotta trust you right? You know you aren't the first girl Mikey has sent my way. It usually takes some time but they eventually come around. And when they do I take good care of them" he says pinching her chin and she wasn't sure whether to gag or scoff. "Is that how you met Lola?" she asks. He looks at her for a moment and she feared she angered him but instead he takes a fry from her plate, "Yeah, all the girls in my club come from Mikey and other people I know" 

Chip had spent the day driving around again, though it was like a maze. Every street looked the same, leading no where closer to Vanessa. He wanted to stay closer to home though, hoping just maybe she would somehow appear. The farthest point was in downtown L.A, a place that had lots of businesses like clubs. He considered checking them, hoping to find just one person who might know something but he though it would lead him nowhere. 

By now it was close to sundown and he needed a drink to take the edge off. He sat inside, trying to drown out the chatter and television as he nursed the glass in front of him. He would glance around, catching couples being all cuddly and it would only bring Vanessa back into his mind. He wished he could see her again. Feel her skin. He is pulled out of his thoughts when the bartender snaps her fingers in his face, "You okay there?" she asks him. He rubs his face, "Uh yeah just a little out of it" "Well I asked if you wanted a refill?" He looks at his empty glass, sighing as he looked at her "No thanks" he says standing up. "How much do I owe you?" he asks but she smiles slyly, "On the house" she says giving him a wink before biting her lip slightly. Chip only smile awkwardly before walking out of the bar. And just as he does he stops in his tracks when he sees across the street, Mikey getting out of his red camaro. "Holy shit" 

After eating, Vanessa is instructed to get dressed in her lingerie he got her. "And I brought these from the club for you" he says placing the 6 inch pumps on the bed next to her. She nods, placing them on before he hands her a black overcoat for her to wear as they walk over to his car. "Mikey told me that you got experience with 'party favors' right?" he asks and she looks at him, knowing what he was asking. She is so fucked. 

They arrived to the club, entering through the back ally so they aren't seen by anyone. He walks her through the lounge where they meet up with Lola who was already dressed. "Get her ready then send her to my office" he says and Vanessa could tell she was clearly upset but tried not to show it. "Come on" she mumbles, pulling Vanessa into the dressing room. Lola doesn't look at her the whole time that she works on her hair and Vanessa knew this was her only opportunity to get help. "Lola" she says. "Hmm?" Lola hums but doesn't look at her. "I need your help" Lola only glanced at her before returning to her task. "All I need is your phone. Please I need to make a call" Lola ignores her, adding hairspray to her hair before turning Vanessa around by her seat to start working on her makeup. "Lola please" Vanessa pleads and this times Lola exhales in frustration, "Stop okay? I can't help you" she says before walking away. She then tells another girl to do my makeup which leaves me defeated. 

Chip stood frozen as he watches Mikey walk into a smoke shop. This was his chance. He waited in the alley for Mikey to come out again and when he does, Chip now begins walking towards him. "Hey!" he calls out and Mikey turns around. At first he didn't know who it was until Chip was now standing right in front of him. He laughs, "Well I'll be damned" he says but Chip was already ready to fight him. "Where's Vanessa" Chip says and Mikey chuckles, "Hell if I know" he says. "Don't bullshit me Mikey, if you don't tell me where she is I swear I'll-" "What? You'll do what Blanco?" Mikey was now being just as hostile as Chip but Chip wasn't sure how to respond. "You gonna blow my brains out?" He asks with a chuckle. "Face it, she's gone. Hell she might even be dead. Wouldn't matter though, cause the bitch had it coming" he says and that was enough for Chip to use all his force to punch him right in the face. He stood his ground as Mikey wiped his bloody nose. He tries to ignore the serious pain he felt in his hand as Mikey stood straight again, this time throwing a hard punch directly at Chip's nose. For a second Chip felt nothing but as soon as he hit the ground, it all came crashing down. But he had no time to process the pain as Mikey got down on one knee and landed one punch after the other at Chip's face. And just when Chip thought it couldn't get worse, Mikey stands over him and begins kicking him roughly in the stomach. Mikey goes on a few more times leaving Chip limp as he laid on the ground too weak to move. "Face it, you never had a chance with that whore anyway. And if you show your face around here again I'll fucking kill you" he says before spitting at him and walking away. 

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