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Vanessa woke up the next morning, feeling her head pound as she sat up from the bed. She looked at her surroundings, seeing she was still trapped in the room Lucas put her in last night. She shivered remembering what happened last night. She was still sore all over, and she could see light bruises forming on her thighs and arms. She felt tears wallow in her eyes as she buried her face into her knees. She finally let herself cry after so long. She didn't hold back as she gripped her knees, the pain in her chest was just too much. She didn't know how much more she could take. She walked over to the door and tried turning the knob. It was locked. She groans, pacing around the room, trying to figure out what to do. She was still stuck in the fucking club and there was no way out. She looks at the clock and sees it is 9 in the morning. The club was silent. No one was here. This was her chance. She looks around the room, hoping to find a bobby pin or anything small to help her pick the lock. But she found nothing. The room only had a bed in the middle of it and a vanity that was sitting against the wall. She then hears the door open and Lucas walks in with breakfast. "Good morning," he says placing it on the bed. Vanessa was sitting on the bed now and kept her gaze on her lap. Lucas bends down and kisses the top of her head. She hated it when he touched her but she knew she couldn't risk making him angry.

Chip woke up early in the morning, unnerved by a nightmare, which kept him up all morning. He couldn't stop thinking about Vanessa. He hated that he was here, not doing anything to find her. He hated not knowing where she was or if she was even okay. Ronnie and Maya greeted him and offered him breakfast though he politely refused, instead, wanting to go for a drive. He went out to his car, sighing as he gazed over at Vanessa's seat.

He droves through city, unsure where he was going. He just kept going, needing to do something then just stay at Ronnie and Maya's apartment. He had never been to California before today so driving through the streets of downtown L.A was really new for him. But it quickly turned bittersweet, knowing that his girlfriend was in trouble. Girlfriend. He smiled at the word. He gripped the steering wheel tighter, prepared to do whatever it took to bring her back to him. If he had to look in every street, every building, and alley then that's what he will do. 

After eating the breakfast that Lucas brought her, she was left alone in the red room that kept her imprisoned. She lay, curled in a ball, on the bed. The silk sheets intertwined with her legs, the pillow clutched against her chest. The whole building was quiet, the only noise coming from the ticking clock on the wall. She watched the hand move whenever a minute passed by, leaving her in a daze for once not thinking about all the craziness that has been her life the past few days. She thinks about Chip. She lets out a sigh, holding the pillow tighter wishing it was him she was holding. She wondered where he was. Did he make it to her Aunt's house. Has he woken up this morning? Probably not, since in the days she's known him, she now knows he isn't really a morning person. This makes her chuckle. But that fades, the same dark feeling of dread filling her chest. Will she ever see him again? Hear his voice? Feel his touch again? She sighs, wanting to drown out the bad thoughts knowing this was all going to end soon. It has to. 

Hours passed and Lucas returned, a bag in his hand. "Get up" he says. Vanessa was hesitant but does, knowing that nothing good would come out of rebelling against him. "You gotta get ready for work, hurry up" He grabs her arm, leading her out of the room. They walk through the big party room where she was told to work in last night, and they head for the lounge. She sees the emergency exit and he leads her towards it. He pulls out a key and unlocks it, before putting it back in his pocket. She needed that key. "Don't make a sound" he says in her ear and she instantly nods, a chill running up her spine. He opens the door and she quints her eyes at the blaring sun. He doesn't give her time to adjust to the brightness as he pulls her to his car that parked in the alley. They were in the back of the club, the exit leads to a small alleyway between their building and a building right in next to them. She gets into the car and he quickly gets into the drivers seat before driving of out to the main road. She watches her surroundings, hoping to find some way to get to a phone. They were in downtown L.A so there were lots of gas stations and bars where they were. He drove about 4 blocks before turning into a street with not very many houses. It seemed to be a nice neighborhood with gated houses. He pulls into a house and opens the gate to enter the long driveway. This must be his house. Vanessa shifts in her seat as he gets out of the car. He then opens the door for her, grabbing her by her arm roughly as he leads her to the front door. He pushes her inside before closing the door, which makes her jump. She examines the room, surprised that he would live in a place like this. He must actually have a lot of money. In her experience with people in his line of work, they don't exactly live in luxury like he does. Most of them only sold drugs but she's guessing his business is bigger than that. "Come on" he says, again grabbing her arm somewhat tightly pulling her to another area of his house. It was clear he lived alone by the lack of pictures on the wall or any family like area. He leads her to a bedroom and for a second she felt a pang of fear, hoping he doesn't do anything to her. "Get undressed," he says, while sitting on the bed. She holds in her breath as she looks at him, wanting to run out. "Hurry up" he says loudly, his voice harsh and stern. She jumps and hesitantly removes her jacket. She bends down to remove her boots before hesitantly hooking her thumbs into the hem of her skirt and fishnet leggings. He watches her intently, her hands shaking at this point as she pulls them down her legs. She leaves her underwear on and looks away, not wanting to continue. He stands up, and her heart skips as he walks toward her. She doesn't look him in the eyes as he stands right in front of her, "Take off all of your clothes now. And get in the shower" he says before walking away. She lets out a breath as she watches him walk out. 

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