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"What would you like?" The woman, who's name tag said Marge, asks them. "I'll have chocolate chip pancakes with an omelet on bacon please," Vanessa says and Chip looks at her before turning to the woman, "I'll have the same," he says and just before Marge walks off, Vanessa gives her a cheeky smile. "You happen to have any beer?" She asks and the woman looks at her, "Got I.D?" She asks and Vanessa winks at Chip before pulling out her wallet, showing her the card. "Coming up" Chip gives her an exasperated look, "Seriously?" "Yes, I want a beer and your bitch ass wouldn't have given me one even if I asked nicely" He sighs, rubbing his knowing he shouldn't care about what she does. But he feels like he is responsible for her somehow so he couldn't help it. As soon as the food comes, she takes a slug of beer and winks at him as she drank. They ate the food in silence until she chuckles out of nowhere. Chip looks at her, wondering what was so funny, "What?" He asks. She raises an eyebrow looking at him, "I know why you stuck your shorts in a bag" she says and he shushes her, hoping no one heard that. "What are you talking about?" "I've only known you for like two days but in no way are you a germaphobe" she licks her lips leaning forward, "You heard me in the shower this morning didn't you?" Chip was flustered but tried not to show it, "No I didn't," he says and she chuckles, "God, you are such a shit liar" Chip takes a bite of his pancake, not willing to admit what he did, "You know I don't care. If anything I'm glad cause this proves you have the hots for me" He shakes his head, "I never said that" "Oh so you don't think I'm hot?" "I didn't say that either, can we drop this now?" "Well, that's too bad cause I was really looking forward to my birthday" He looks at her, her eyes never leaving his as she takes a drink of her beer, "Why?" He asks and she runs her tongue over her bottom lip, "Because as soon as I turn 18, I was going to let you do anything and everything you wanted to me before we part ways" He gulps, the thought of it made his heart rate pick up. She shrugs, leaning back, "But I guess since the feeling isn't mutual we'll just forget about it" "Check please and some to-go bags," he calls out to Marge, fearing if she kept talking like that, he wouldn't be able to leave the booth. She comes up to them and he hands her a 100 dollar bill telling her to keep the change. Chip looks down and luckily there was no bulge, that would expose him. He dumps the food in the boxes and grabs her hand pulling her out of the booth. Vanessa chuckles, loving how flustered she made him as they walk to the car. "Where are we going now?" She asks and he keeps his eyes on the road as they pull out of the parking lot, "We're leaving" "Aww, do we have to?" She asks pouting like a child. "If we want to make it to California, we have to leave now" he explains and she sighs.

They packed their things and headed back to the car where they would spend the rest of the day on the road. Most of the time, they listened to whatever songs came on the radio; some good, others complete shit. It was close to sunset and Vanessa stretches in her seat, letting out a groan as she does. "It's hot in here," she says, trying to turn on the AC. "It doesn't work," Chip says and she sighs, rolling the window down instead. It was quiet for a bit until she speaks again "So what are your plans?" He looks at her, soon realizing what she meant, "I don't know. I might be on the road for a while, looking for a good safe place to settle down. Then I'll see what happens after that I guess" She nods, thinking that was a good plan. "And you?" He asks and Vanessa shrugs, "I know I'm settling in L.A for sure. Maybe get a steady job and see where it takes me" He nods with a smile, "I can tell you are going to do great things for yourself" This makes her smile, "You know it's been a dream of mine to own a bar" He nods, "I'll make sure to be your first customer" She chuckles, Chip looks at her as she stares out the window. The bright sun hit her tan skin, making her skin glow. At this moment, he saw her in a different light. She was beautiful, he thought to himself. She looks at him and he turns back at the road, trying to play it off. "Do you ever think about having kids?" She asks and he looks at her, "I have sometimes but mostly for the far future" "What's holding you back?" He shrugs not really knowing what to say, "I'd need to find a home that's perfect for a family is one. Two, I haven't found that person" "So you've never fallen in love?" "I have but both times they didn't exactly work out" "What happened?" He sighs, "I used to have this girlfriend. Her name was Liza. She was perfect to me" Vanessa tilts her head to the side, "Why did you break up?" She asks. "Because I saw a side of her that made me realize she wasn't the one for me" "What'd she do?" Chip hesitates unsure he should tell her about all the fucked up shit he went through. "Come on Chip, there is nothing you could say that would make me judge you. You kidnapped me remember?" Chip chuckles knowing nothing about his relationship with Vanessa was normal either. "Well let's just say she was crazy" "Crazy how?" "As in, she wanted me to help her steal money from her sugar Daddy" "Really?" He nods, "But everything went to shit when she decided to kill him and his girlfriend" Vanessa's eyes widen, "She murdered someone?" He nods, "Then what?" "Well, a girl showed up to the house and we had to take her because she might talk" "You killed her too?" "No, I didn't kill anyone, Liza did. But anyway, I began to realize how batshit crazy Liza was so I left her, took the money, and the girl since she wanted to kill her" "Damn that's crazy" she shakes her head, "So what happened to the girl?" "Well I really liked her after we got past the whole kidnapping thing" She chuckles and I continue, "But after she threatened a girl at a gas station, turns out that the girl from the gas station and her crazy ass family found us and they..." Chip sighs, feeling guilty about what happened to Violet. "Was she your second love?" He nods and she places her hand on his shoulder. "Wait so the crazy trailer people who beat you up were the family?" Chip nods and she scoffs, "You really did have it rough" Chip nods, now wanting to hear Vanessa's story.

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