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"Come in" Lola and Vanessa hear as they enter Lucas' office. Vanessa gives Lola one last pleading look but she looks away, leaving the two alone. "Sit down" Lucas says  as he stands up. She sits down at a chair across from his desk and he stands up, locking the door which makes a chill run down her spine. He sits back down, watching her as Vanessa fidgets with her fingers. "Love, I run a pretty smooth business here. And I know you might not think so now but believe me when I say, I take care of my girls" She internally rolls her eyes as she clenched her jaw, keeping her gaze down at her grown out black nails that she is now realizing needed a touch up. "I know you must be thinking I'm full of shit. And that's fine but trust me, soon you'll see just how much better off you are here with me." He stands up and Vanessa feels her muscles tense up as he picks something up from out of his desk drawer, placing the black bag on the desk as he now sits next to her. She leans back trying to get as far from him as she could as he leaned closer to her. He places his hand on her knee making her breath hitch as he stared at her, "Everything will be okay for both of us if you play nice" he says and she could see the coldness in his eyes as he stares into her own at this point she was too afraid to look away. "What do I have to do to get out of here?" she asks with a shaky tone, a tear falling from her eyes. He smiles softly reaching for the black bag and unzipping it. "No" she shakes her head as her tears began to stream from her eyes, seeing the needle and vials in the bag. "Hey hey, calm down this is just to relax you. And to answer your question, you're not gonna like the answer" he says as he fills the syringe with the drug. Vanessa couldn't recognise the liquid but really wasn't trying to find out. "No" she cries as he grabs her arm, making her fall off the chair as she tried to get away from him. "Please!" she cried as he shoved her against the wall, "Ah!" she exclaims as he slapped her across the face. She slid down the wall, landing on the floor as she held her cheek in her hands. "I don't want it" she says feeling weak by how hard he hit her. "I didn't ask" he says before grabbing the syringe again and roughly grabbing her arm. She felt herself begin to feel woozy as he inject the drug into her arm. "Please" she mumbled now feeling her vision blur and the room began to move. "Come on love, time to get to work" 

"Hey, you okay?" Chip hears as he suddenly regained consciousness. "What? What happened?" he says before wincing at his headache. "You got beat up pretty bad dude" The guy says as he helped Chip up from the floor. "Woah, should I call an ambulance?" "N-No, I'm fine" Chip mumbles as he wiped some blood from his upper lip. "Are you sure?" The guy asks unsure how to really handle this. "Yeah, I have to go" Chip says as he stumbles to his car. He gets inside and starts cleaning his wound, "Fuck" he groans as he presses it against his busted up cheek. Once he wipes away the majority of the blood, he starts the car and drives back to Ronnie and Maya's house. Once he put the car in park he struggled as he stood to his feet, holding onto the door to prevent himself from falling. He stumbled his way to the front door and knocked loudly hoping that Ronnie or Maya was home. After the third loud set of bangs finally the door opens revealing Ronnie who exclaims as Chip falls forward, since he was leaning against the door, stumbling up against her. She struggles to keep her balance as she moved him to the couch where he groans roughly from his bruised ribs. "Oh my God, Chip what happened?" she asked as she runs to the kitchen to grab a wet cloth to clean his wound. He leans his head back onto the couch as she sits back next to him, slowly pressing the cold cloth against his cheek. He winces as he flinches away from the rag, her apologizing for hurting him. "Chip what happened" Ronnie asked again as she starts cleaning his wounds again. He sighs unsure how to tell her, "I found him" "Found who?" Chip grabs the rag from her hand and leans forward, her watching him as he does waiting for an answer. "Mikey the guy who took Vanessa" "Oh my God does he have Vanessa?" "No, she wasn't with him. I tried to confront him but that didn't end so well" Just as he finished speaking, Maya walks through the door and instantly freezes when she sees Chip's bloody face. "What happened" she asked. "He was attacked by the guy who took Vanessa" "What!" Ronnie stands and walks up to Maya and whisper something into her ear. Just then Chip stands up and says he needs to go to the bathroom. They only nod quickly before he walks out of the room leaving them to discuss about him.

Once Lucas and her walk out of his office, she is instantly brought to a room where she is met with Lola and another girl, to help her get ready. "She starts in 20 minutes so hurry up" Lucas instructs them before leaving the room. Vanessa could barely keep her eyes open as she tried to sit up. Lola grabbed her arm pulling her towards the chair that was that stood in front of the vanity in the room. "Please" Vanessa mumbled but all she could do is look at Lola but nothing else. She could barely keep her eyes open as Lola tried to make her focus on her face, "What did he do to you?" Vanessa couldn't really understand what she was saying but she answered anyway "He drugged me" "It's okay you're going to be okay" Lola tells her as she makes her look at her again. Vanessa shakes her head feeling a tear run down her cheek as she places her hand on her stomach "I'm pregnant" This makes both the girls freeze as Vanessa drops her head again letting the tears fall onto her lap. She was too weak to do anything else as Lola and the other girl fixed up Vanessa's hair and outfit knowing there was nothing much they could do. She was sent out to the main stage in the dance room where she was going to be given further instructions by Lucas. "Walk around and look pretty Love. Sit with the men and just be friendly. You got the floor in an hour"

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