Baking chocolate chip cookies and couple time

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In the bakery, once everyone gets the stuff they need for the cookies, they get started on making the cookie dough.

In the bakery, once everyone gets the stuff they need for the cookies, they get started on making the cookie dough

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Tom: Okay. You guys got the ingredients, I got the other stuff: measuring cups, mixing bowls, and spoons. Let's get started.

 Let's get started

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Marin: Wait. How many cookies do we need to bake?

Tom: Just depends on how many problems are gonna be at the wedding. So a mixture of 2-3 dozen.

Timmy: That's either 24 or 36 cookies.

Tom: Yep.

Marin: Congratulations, you can do math. *Timmy sticks his tongue out at Marin. *

Tom: Okay. Let's get started. We need to pre-heat the oven to 375°F. *He goes to the oven and turns it on to 375°F.* First, 1 cup of salted butter. Make sure the butter is at room temperature cold butter won't turn things out right. Is it room temperature? *Timmy touches the butter and it's cold. *

Timmy: It's not room temperature.

Tom: Okay. We'll add that later. Next, 1 cup of white granulated sugar. *Mylene gets a measuring cup measures out the sugar and pours it in the silver bowl. * Thank you, Mylene.

Mylene: You're welcome.

Tom: Next, 1 cup of light brown sugar and 2 teaspoons of pure vanilla extract.

Marin: I got the brown sugar.

Timmy: I got the vanilla. *Marin get another measuring cup and measure out a cup of light brown sugar and pour it in the bowl, Timmy open the pure vanilla extract and get a one teaspoon spoon and pour one teaspoon and put it in the bowl. * That's one teaspoon. Here's 2 teaspoons. *He poured a second teaspoon into the spoon and the bowl. *


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