Wedding ceremony

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At the beach, everyone is seated in their seats, Tom stands by the back of the wedding arch, and he waits for Marinette to come, Luka's already at the alter and he waits patiently too.


Timmy: Who is that?

Tom: I have no idea. *Soon, Max gets Markov to record the wedding. *

Max: Okay, Markov, get ready

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Max: Okay, Markov, get ready.

Markov: Okay, Max. *Max presses the record button on Markov and he starts recording. First,  Alena holds her basket of pink rose petals and she starts walking and sprinkles them on the aisle. Then, Timmy walks down the aisle with the rings as the ring bearer, Sabine grins and holds her tissue too. *


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Alya: Okay

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Alya: Okay. We're ready to go. *Nino and Alya locked arms and walked out first, Nino kissed Alya on the forehead and they walked to the alter and went to their sides (Alya- bride's side and Nino- groom's side.. Then, Mylene and Ivan walked down the aisle together, Mylene grinned and smiled, Ivan looked straight ahead and they got their sides too. *

Alya: I think we're ready. Go. *Jagged Stone starts playing the piano and sings "You and Me." {BTW it's a song by Johnny Gil. Hope you enjoy it.} *Soon, Marinette walked up to her dad and they both locked arms together and walked down the aisle too, everyone stood up. Marinette grinned and she looked straight ahead too, Luka grinned and admired his bride-to-be. *

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