Stalker outside

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Soon, it's nighttime and so far it's quiet. In the living room, Tikki sleeps on a small pillow while Marinette and Luka sit on the couch, he looks at the ring on Marinette's finger, he grins at her and she grins at him back and she rests her head on his chest. But then, her phone buzzed, Luka looked at it and it was a message from Adrien.

 But then, her phone buzzed, Luka looked at it and it was a message from Adrien

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Luka: (annoyed) Ugh. What does he want now? *The message said "I decided to re-marry you. I already got the ceremony planned out for tomorrow." That son of a... he's doing it again. That's the hundredth time he's been doing this. I'm gonna have to deal with him. *Marinette holds his arm. *

Marinette: I just want him to go away. And he will when we're married. He'll have to... *Soon. Some pebbles hit the window, Luka got up and checked it out. *

Luka: Who the heck is... *Mairnette gets up and sees too. *

Marinette: Luka, what's going on... *Then, the sound of the bridal chorus played. *

Adrien: Marinette! Come outside. It's time for our wedding night.

Grouchy neighbor (Mr. Perky): Hey, turn that racket off. People are trying to sleep!

 People are trying to sleep!

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Adrien: Dammit.

Luka: What the hell? That's it, I'm calling the police. *Marinette holds his wrist. *

Marinette: No look. *They looked out the window and he's not there anymore. * He's gone.

 * He's gone

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