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This is kind of a remake of a oneshot I read about Sprousehart. It was one of my favorites and I just wanted to write it my own way— CB version.
It was 2:00 am in the morning. Blair was fast asleep, purring like a kitten in her boyfriend's chest. Chuck, however, was listening to her every breath. He could hear her precious inhales and exhales.

Moments like these were his favorites. Just the two of them alone in his room, observing the thing he loves most in the world. Loving her was like breathing for him. No, it really was breathing for him.

Without Blair, he'd feel suffocated. That was when he realized that even though they were in some of the worst circumstances, he'd give his all to win her back.

"Blair.." He whispered, tucking her hair that was blocking her face into the back of her ear. "Baby, wake up." He says and softly places his hot palm into her shoulder.

"Go to sleep, Chuck." She mumbles, shifting in her position and sighs.

Blair knew Chuck had a jolly side in him. Her heart fluttered at the thought. He had told him once that she was the one who brought it out in him.

"I have an idea." He smiles, even though she couldn't see him. She pinches his stomach, making him chuckle and wince a little. "It's going to be fun. It involves ice cream. A lot of ice cream."

"We ran out of ice cream. Where could we possibly buy them at 2 am on a friday night?" She asks and tightens her grip on him. "Have you even slept?"

"I couldn't. I know a place where we could buy some of your favorite flavors. Will you join me, please?" He still tries to convince her, knowing she'll eventually give in.

"Fine." And she did. "I'll just go change first." She was about to go to Chuck's walk in closet, where she had some of her clothes stored in, in case she wanted to spend the night at his place, just like what happened tonight.

A few hours ago, they had a get together with Serena and Nate. Blair had suggested to have a movie marathon with them all night but everybody was too exhausted to even stay up until 12.

"No, we're going now," says Chuck and grabs his sleepy girlfriend to the elevator. "No one's gonna see us, anyway." He smirks.

"Chuck! You do realize that I'm the heir of Waldorf Designs and it's pretty embarrassing to be seen outside, wearing monkey printed pajamas at 2 am, right?" She pouts.

"You're not the only one with the monkey pajamas, Blair. Don't forget we're matching." He kisses her, taking the pout off her face and replacing it with a giggle.

"We look cute." He says and connects hands with her. It was 2 am but security was still around. Chuck knew his name, though. He had seen him a few times whenever he'd get home late because of work.

"Mr. Bass, Miss Waldorf, where could you be headed to at this hour?" Jude, the security guard, aks.

"Just on a little adventure, Jude. Will you mind telling my valet to get my car?" He asks politely. In the period of time he was pursuing the brunette, he had learned to drive himself. There were a lot of times when Arthur was such a party pooper. He'd either tell them they've arrived at their destination via intercom in the middle of love making or stops the vehicle harshly because of careless pedestrians and it certainly ruins the mood for the two, whipped lovebirds.

"Immediately, Mr. Bass."

When the car arrived, they both fastened their seatbelts and Chuck got the engine started. Blair was struggling to keep her eyes open.

She still had no idea where they were headed but she figured it was going to be at some open 24/7 pharmacy who sells sweets and ice cream.

When the car stopped, Blair rubbed her eyes to see clearly while Chuck opened the door for her. He practically dragged the sleepyhead all the way to the store.

"Pick all the flavors you like." He smirked. The employees at the counter eyed them, realizing it was Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass in their pajamas at 2 am buying gallons upon gallons of ice cream.

They both giggled as they ran out of the store spending 70 dollars like a bunch of careless kids.

"Audrey!" She yelled when Chuck tried to play a Hollywood Action movie. He rolled his eyes sarcastically and played her favorite Hepburn movie, cuddling into her arms as she hugged her strawberry flavored ice cream.

That night, they spent watching movies. There were times when she cried because of tragic storylines. And there were times when she couldn't control her laughter. Chuck listened to it all. They remembered their first kiss, which had been so perfect. Their first date, which was silly. They remembered when they said those three words. Or when they ditched their plans because they missed each other.

They remembered just how in love they were.

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